whats peeps got planned for xmas then???? heres my diary of events!

friday 23rd

is works do! well this is going to be a lunchtime to early evening piss up! plus its 45 miles away on the train from my home! but will be a laugh with plenty of booze flying about???? then home by early evening after a skinful and straight down the local social club(cheap as chips booze) to meet my brother and his mate! not sure what to do at 12 midnight?? go home or to town??? we will see!!!!

saturday 24th!

well gonna have a nice rest at home(to recover more like). plus i dont wanna over do it to early???? so was thinking going out 3pm???? should be ok i think? get straight on the bottles of corona(on offer in my local for the day/night at £1.25 a pop!!! so cant complain) then at 5pm to 7pm all pubs in town shut to get piss heads out of town so should hopefully find a lock in somewhere! then in the evening its up the nightclub above my local to finish the night off! or will the night beat me and be an early one???? who knows???

xmas day

roll out of bed about 12/1pm????? depends how i feel???? then down the pub again for traditional xmas day pint! only the one tho! then back home for dinner and some more stellas! in the evening my mates popping round for a few beers and there were going to my mates flat for an xmas party which wont end till the early hours????

boxing day

big piss up back down the pub again with more drinks on offer! all mates are coming out for a big reunion and drinks a plenty(also got my best mate coming down to stay so should be a laugh!

well thats my next few days sorted! dont know whats happening between xmas and new year yet??? or on new year???

well all i can say is good luck liver!!! ya gonna need it lol!!!

whats everyone elses plans????