I’m sure most people on here will have seen that Darren has sadly and reluctantly had to put his beloved 0425 up for sale. The very 0425 that many of us (maybe with the exception Matt Brown!!) have drooled over in Autocar and at the FCS, NEC etc and is probably the most immaculate and sound Williams we see in circulation. Perhaps I’ve drooled over it more than most…

Well, as a result of putting this fine vehicle up for sale, someone has had to buy it…and that lucky person was me. Which I still can’t quite believe to be honest!

The deal was agreed a few weeks ago but was only concluded this past weekend. That’s why I’ve kept a bit quite about it until now…although a few clever folks sniffed around and sussed it! I’ve also not wanted to shout about it too much in respect to Darren who I’m sure is understandably sad to have to say goodbye to his pride and joy.

But anyway, I want everyone to know that 0425 is in very good hands and will be looked after and loved to the same impeccable standards that Darren has lavished on her over the years. That’s the very least I can do in recognition to the time, money and personal effort that Darren has invested in her over the years to have made her into the remarkable show winning car that she is. I can assure everyone, but especially to Darren, that she will want for nothing and the only person that will get a spanner to her will be the trusted hands of Dan who knows her inside out already.

I know I don’t show my face in public too often due to work/home commitments, but I’ll definitely be coming along to the FCS in June so you can all grill me then to make sure I’m up the job of looking after her to the required standard and to see that I’m doing so in the manner which she deserves and is accustomed too!!

This’ll be my second Williams now having owned 0041 for about four years now. So I’ve been through the joy and pain of William’s ownership, and have learned all those things you do about crap gearboxes and rusty arches! Armed back then with my beginners knowledge, 0041 was the best Williams 1 I could find at the time but over the years I realised that my drive for perfection was demanding an absolute minter which is why I jumped at the chance of 0425 and that’s why she’ll be staying in the immaculate maintained condition that’s she’s is now.

But for now she seems to be settling in to her new garage and I’ve whispered into her wheelarch that she'll be ok and everything will be fine …