Well as some of you know the naples has had major problems recently regarding mapping, wiring and just generally being pretty sh*t. After letting Coops and Dan drive her at pod the harsh reality of how bad the car was really set in, as i had been driving around the problem areas and just accepting it as the norm.

I know Andy is a little legend with these cars and ITB's so it was foolish to not go to him to make her all better. After driving Dans spider engined RSI with the same set up i used to run (which was appauling and undriveable i was sold completely) so after a few conversations and awaiting the dyno to be installed at K-tec the naples lay in wait for yet more surgery, this time a new engine loom, Omex ECU and a re-map.

so on the 30th nov we loaded her up on the trailer and made the journey down to Dorset i was absolutely terrified of leaving her with anyone again after all the bad experiences ive already had, but was reassured she was in very good hands. Andy was brilliant kept me updated of the progress pretty much daily sending me pics of the ongoing work and obviously all the problems that they were coming across (Angelworks and Mark major ****ups) but i had no need to fear all was going to be ok as in normal naples style it was a bigger job than first thought!

Time moved incredibly slowly for a week until she was ready for collection yesterday. when i got to K-tec my little car was waiting out the front, Andy came out and explained to me and showed me what he had done and even wrote me a 'to do list' of other problems he had found. I had a quick chat and paid my bill then took her out on the test drive and all i can say is.....


for anyone that knows the naples you can all fully appreciate what a pig of a car she was to drive and live with, but not anymore the car is absolutley perfect, she starts on the key, idles, pulls off and is insanely smooth and fast she has never been like this its always been a constant battle to do anything with her and the fuel consumption was awful.

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to Andy for such an amazing job that hes done i would reccomend him all day long and no one else apart from him will now do anything with the car, i really didnt think it was possible and the naples is now how she should of always been, i couldnt ask for her to be any better.

So guys if you need any tuning/mapping work done get your asses to K-tec the service you get is FAB