i sent my turbo away last thurs for an inspection as i suspected dodgy oil seal due to smoking.

i sent it to turbo centre uk as they seem like great guys and bass_direct recomended them. his turbo was there at the same time i was speaking to the guys. i was going to strip it down and have a look myself but as it had already been apart once i didnt wanna upset the balancing again.

on inspection today they have found some scoring on the external of the bearings which in turn has created a lot of filings which isnt good for the turbo and in turn can cause the seal to wear and cause smoke.

so all in all its good news. i have sent them my turbo and 2 other turbos in bits with a new rebuild kit and -31 actuator.

so they arent supplying any parts just the labour. also having an actuator bracket modified.

will report when i have spoke to them monday but im happy there is an issue with the turbo. i hate using garages/ services of anyone other than myself as i always feel i get fed a load of b/shit to try and get my money plus i like trying new things. lets hope it is a good experience