Over the past few weeks I've been losing some coolant, not a huge amount, but a few cm's (probably 3-4) from the level in the header tank in about a week (about 200 - 300 miles). The problem is I don't know where it's coming from.

I've checked the headgasket and thats fine, so where else could it be leaking from? I'm guessing it won't be from a hose or anything due to the small amount it's losing. Would the water pump be a possibility?

I'm thinking that the water pump is a possibility because I was having a look earlier on and there seemed to be a little water on the subframe over on the drivers side after the engine had been running a while despite the fact that it hadn't been raining today. Also, when listening to the engine from the drivers side arch area it sounded as though there was a loud bearing or something - could that be the water pump? or I may just be imagining things, lol.

If I wanted to check if it's the water pump how would I go about it? Would I have to remove the engine mount and timing belt cover and check for any coolant below the pump?

It's a 1.4 E7J (Energy) engine btw.
