So, me and my mate left the pub last night and he decides he wants to go "across the tops" on the way home Yeah, me with a shagged headgasket. Anyways, we rolls through Heywood and launched it about 60mph right into ashworth valley road For those of you that don't know, this is one of the best roads to drive round at night, it's just awesome, off camber corners, blind bends, uphill downhill, straights etc etc

I was in second gear mostly, sometimes using third, weaving all over the road, all over the arse of his highly tuned Escort turbo........... the valver was doing it's job very well.

Had a few lock ups, a few arse out moments, went through what must have been a ****ing river as it nigh on covered the car. Had to flip the wipers on quickly whilst still negotiating a bend. I felt like Colin McRae

................until the last bend before the resevoir straight. I took the right hand bend a little too tight:

Christ, that didn't half make one hell of a bang. Drives straight though, the wheel aint buckled, no real sings of damage so I had a lucky escape.

By the time we got home, both of us had no brakes and the ****ing street hummed of them, lol.

All in all, an awesome drive home