Hello everyone.

We are looking for the next issue of Performance French Cars Magazine to focus the buyers guide on the Clio Williams, something that for me means only one thing.... you guys being the masters of these cars, I would like to have the expert opinion of Williamsclio.co.uk onboard for this.

I understand there is a buyers guide on the site somewhere but cannot find it. If there is any way of someone being able to either send a copy of this via email to myself in text or a file. I've owned a few mk1 clio's but never a Williams model, and would like to have everyone on the site involved to help with regards to this to make it as accurate as possible.

If you can help, and would like to submit anything - please can you send an email to Neil@performancefrenchcars.co.uk with your help.

We will be breaking the feature into sections as follows -

Main introduction and features of the car over other MK1 clio's.

Engine - Spec, good & bad points to look out for when buying

Gearbox - as above

Exterior -




If you can help with this the whole team would greatly appreciate the help of the owners club for this, and all references and thanks will be given to yourselves for this.

Kind regards,


Staff Writer
Performance French Cars Magazine