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View Full Version : I am no longer crippled

15-03-2006, 16:00
I almost forgot to tell you all.

Went to the hosp yesterday, been weight bearing whilst in my cast for over a week now. Took the cast off and I can walk. Still need physio and that, gonna take a few more weeks to heal properly, but I am getting there.

Went to the post office before and taxed my car and taking it out for it's first proper blast in 3 weeks tonight.

So, if you are out on the road tonight............. BEWARE :lol: :lol: :lol:

There will be a clio being driven with serious anger and muchos popping and banging coming from the tailpipe 8)

15-03-2006, 16:32
that was quick mate, glad your'e back in action to keep the valver going \:D/

Clio b
15-03-2006, 16:38
must have been all that dancin u been doin!

15-03-2006, 20:51
:) good news m8

16-03-2006, 08:55
Lordy lord, I never realised how much having a car is a dream.

The valver got a damn good thrashing last night and this morning.

Reminded me of why I bought it in the first place :lol: :lol: :lol:

7k changes, pops and bangs.......... I love my little renault