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23-03-2005, 18:55
Is it possible to turn Pb into Au, knowing your a man of science just wondering with modern techniques such as atom smashing and other crazy practises if you considered this "alchemists nemesis" experiment possible?

If so ill fund it you do it and we split the profits 50/50 :twisted:

23-03-2005, 19:28
You can turn any element into any other element. They are just neutrons, protons and electrons.


The engery needed to do this would cost more than the value of the finished element. So you would lose money. Your best bet is to make fake diamonds.

In about 10 years times diamonds will be worhtless as scientific copies are starting to become indestinguishable from natural ones and so their value will soon drop.

23-03-2005, 19:33
You can turn any element into any other element. They are just neutrons, protons and electrons.


The engery needed to do this would cost more than the value of the finished element. So you would lose money. Your best bet is to make fake diamonds.

In about 10 years times diamonds will be worhtless as scientific copies are starting to become indestinguishable from natural ones and so their value will soon drop.

Fu*k me geek! :lol:

23-03-2005, 19:35
he he lets get in on the market b4 it goes KABOOM!!!!

King Slithers diamonds

or SLITHBAS diamonds

or Stromers diamonds

23-03-2005, 19:39
I like it.

Now all we need is a pressure chamber capable of compressing rock to millions of bars and at the same time applying heat at thousands of degrees. :D

23-03-2005, 19:46
Will my ass do for that?

23-03-2005, 20:50
No, your ass contains too many impurities.

I thought we could use Toms ass. Thats cleaned out by his boyfriend so nice pure diamonds.

23-03-2005, 21:37

lol.. Are you a scientist Stromba?. I always thought you had a bit about you, but I thought you might just be handy with Google..lol :oops:

23-03-2005, 21:57
I have a first class degree in biochemistry and an MSc in nutrition.

Currently researching flavonoids absorption in industry, while writing my PhD thesis.


23-03-2005, 22:00
And also studying the finer points of SPAM!

23-03-2005, 22:21
...and a degree in geology too :D

24-03-2005, 00:09
:shock: Wow.

I got a 2:1 in Electrical Engineering..... :oops: I'll get me coat.
Better than a degree in media studies I suppose although the later would probably earn me more money. :evil:

24-03-2005, 00:14
I have an HND in sports therapy too


24-03-2005, 12:44
Christ.... how old are you??? You must have been at Uni forever!!!

24-03-2005, 13:23
People think i jusy sit on here all day and jack off and look at cars.

I taught meself French talking to people from France on MSN and forums. Currently trying German.

I did alot of causes in the evenings at college.

I was lucky to have parents who sent me to University.

I have a hunger for knowledge


24-03-2005, 13:41
People think i jusy sit on here all day and jack off and look at cars.

I taught meself French talking to people from France on MSN and forums. Currently trying German.

I did alot of causes in the evenings at college.

I was lucky to have parents who sent me to University.

I have a hunger for cock!



big hp
24-03-2005, 13:42
Was that Stromba's coming out? :shock:

Irish Nut
24-03-2005, 13:45

24-03-2005, 13:54

24-03-2005, 15:23
Done german and french and latin so ner :P

24-03-2005, 16:41
I took latin when i did my scholarship for public school. What a load of ass.

24-03-2005, 16:52
I find it quite useful. Especiallt when learning languages.

24-03-2005, 16:53
People think i jusy sit on here all day and jack off and look at cars.

I taught meself French talking to people from France on MSN and forums. Currently trying German.

I did alot of causes in the evenings at college.

I was lucky to have parents who sent me to University.

I have a hunger for knowledge


Fair play to you. You'll find German much easier to learn than French. I'm not fluent (I'm trying to learn Technical german atm - ridiculously hard) but I can hold conversations in German. I've been about 4 or 5 times. It's a country I actually really like. :oops:

24-03-2005, 16:54
It has its uses. But still a waste of time if you ask me.

24-03-2005, 16:57
I disagree. However I agree with lagerlout that I found german much easier to learn than french. The sentence structire is actually very similar to Latin, whilst the words are obviously very closely related to english,

24-03-2005, 17:02
I can never trust anything you say lager. You think a 172 cup is quicker round a track. You are obviously crazy :shock: :shock:

24-03-2005, 17:12
lol.... guilty as charged your honour.... :D

24-03-2005, 17:14
The only thing a 172 cup is faster at is heading upside down into a local ditch.

24-03-2005, 17:18
or to the local dealers on the back of an AA wagon.... those things ****in haul ass!!

24-03-2005, 17:22
I was expecting a 172 cup to be quick to be honest after reading all the spam on cliosport about it. However, my Standard Williams kept good pace with one. :D

24-03-2005, 17:53
I'm not surprised. They seem to vary so much. My 172 would slowly creep past my mates Cup (which ironically ended up in a ditch - lol) on a dual carriage way blast. Yet another friend of mine has an 02 plate 172 that slowly pulls away from me in a straight line. They seem to vary so much in how they deliver power.
Either way, there' simply not a big enough difference in pwr/weight ratio for one to be massivley quicker than the other.

And I must say you've done well to keep with a Cup when you never take you Williams above 5k rpm.... :wink:

24-03-2005, 17:57
Im serious, i kept with a cup using the first 5k revs. And he was a mate so he was trying.

But i am a ****ing good driver, so there you go. :D

And 0002 has sailed past a 172 like it wasnt moving, and easily outpaced a CTR. But then we all know Reno put the best engine they had in that one. :wink: