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View Full Version : My Hill Power RR Results

17-02-2006, 20:26
Just got my data cd off Nick in the post today ..

Don't know how to upload attachments on here :oops: lol

Link to my thread on CS ... already getting slated .. lol


Maz :D

17-02-2006, 20:28
there chatting shit, a trophy got 140 not so long ago, i dont think it is that out of the ordinary although it is a bit low

what miles is on it and how hard do u drive it? do u take it to red line?

17-02-2006, 20:29
wouldnt worry about peoples opinions on there! they always slate people no matter what!

17-02-2006, 20:30
I have 17k on the clock and no I don't red line it .. :oops: lol

17-02-2006, 20:31
unless ur car is 10,000bhp no matter what u post its always not quite right . sounds to me as if its a bit tight (engine :wink: ) it may just take longer to open up since u dont drive it as hard as most, dont worry tho as in 10years im sure urs will be in better cond. if u want to do somthing about it just gradually use more of the revs more often

17-02-2006, 20:34
Cheers Jamie ..

Maz :D

Smokey McPot
17-02-2006, 20:59
if my Cup was making 150 at the fly i'd take it back to renault.

17-02-2006, 21:00
Anyone know what the obs power curve is ?? :?

jay s
17-02-2006, 21:02
i think it means thats the power the car made on the day, (weather and everything else) from what i can tell.

17-02-2006, 21:07
if i rr my car id never post the results ppl just bitch too much, all cs is about is a sly dig; ur cars slow, id take that back, thats shite etc, whereas it should be; u need to check this maybe its that, its just a load of ppl with an acondesending view on life/cars.
no one asks about the technicalities of it, u think it comes down too.... are u happy with ur car, and does it brake down? im sure that if u raced other cars u wouldnt be far behind

17-02-2006, 21:09
True Jamie .. thanks Jay ..

Maz :D

17-02-2006, 21:10
i hope u know mk1s are quicker tho :wink:

Smokey McPot
17-02-2006, 21:18
if i rr my car id never post the results ppl just bitch too much, all cs is about is a sly dig; ur cars slow, id take that back, thats shite etc, whereas it should be; u need to check this maybe its that, its just a load of ppl with an acondesending view on life/cars.
no one asks about the technicalities of it, u think it comes down too.... are u happy with ur car, and does it brake down? im sure that if u raced other cars u wouldnt be far behind

Agreed that it comes down to technicalities of the rolling road set up and other factors.

If a car is sold as making 182ps (or BHP, i forget which unit) and it tested and is only making 150bhp then I'd be really concerned, i'd expect the car to make that power (or somewhere near give or take 2-3%). According to that read out your car has a 20% power loss. I'd be inclined to get it retested, once on the same rolling road, and then again on another, to eliminate a problem, with the road at the manufacturers expense. If its still the case, then i'd contact Renault again as there is something clearly wrong with the vehicle and get them to resolve it.

I'm not having a dig at Maz for posting up his results, to be honest its of little interest to me, and the petty remarks people make about such things are childish. But a difference that large would lead me to seriously question the cars abilities.

jay s
17-02-2006, 21:25
mate, maz has 150bhp at the wheels which after you add the 20% or around that mark fig which u lose for transmission from the engine to the wheels you get 181.bhp at the fly which by reading the 182 comes with 179bhp atf u see she is 2bhp up..

17-02-2006, 21:27
i wouldnt worry about rr figures, aslong as it drives well who cares!

17-02-2006, 21:29
know where ur coming from, and tbh it is something that should be tested checked. but i think ppl saying theres something wrong with it and its slow isnt the best way to go about it, i mean if id spent 11k on a car and somone said those commentsid be pissed! so i think a more tactful approach is better. but im not assed if ppl are shitty, as its only what they know and if the first thing they need to do is have a dig, good luck in life.......
i think its laughable because every rolling rd comes up with diff results, some over est others under and then theres the atw calculation which imo only further adds to the errors so ur almost squaring ur orig error. so ppl get worked up when it doesnt show 182 haha! anyone remember that trophy getting 160? strange things happen!
other issues like: no-one even even asked how run it is? when asked do u rev it the ans is no, its more than likley that the first time it hit the limiter was at that rr day so that engine is prob as tight as a nuns back passage. how did chrinnics do? And lets face it if there was somehting wrong im sure nick would have noticed, surley he would have said jeez maz thats a bit low, or maz did u put a 1.2 in ere?
ohh well

17-02-2006, 21:29
i wouldnt worry about rr figures, aslong as it drives well who cares!

my point exactly!

Smokey McPot
17-02-2006, 21:30
138 atw? You car is underpowered. Probably need a man to drive it hard to loosen it up a bit.

That was the first post on Cliosport.....I assumed that was the correct readout, hence 150 at the fly.

If it isnt, i stand corrected.

17-02-2006, 22:08
I have ran the car on the strip at pod so she has been red lined a couple of times before :oops: lol

I agree with what you are saying though Jamie and thank Jay for explaining to me ..

Maz :D

18-02-2006, 00:29
You kinda expect that kinda response on CS!

Maz your power figures are as expected on a std 182. I'd not get worried. An engine with 17k on the clocks will get looser and free up a fre extra horses.

18-02-2006, 10:20
Cheers Stew ..

Maz :D

18-02-2006, 11:11
.. too many variables, how do you think us Williams and Hybrid boys are still whooping your pansy asses? http://www.cliosport.net/forum/images/smilies/001_tt2.gif

Shit hot smiley

20-02-2006, 09:48
looks great to me maz. :D

20-02-2006, 16:11
Would be even better if I could fight my own corner cause I knew what I was talking about .. :oops: lol

Awwwwww well never mind .. maybe sometime in this lifetime .. :lol: lol

Maz :D