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13-02-2006, 14:42
was wondering who would buy a car priv when spending large sums of cash. im not so sure i would have the confidence to buy priv when spending so much money, but it is so much cheaper then garages and dealers

13-02-2006, 14:45
not that i have anything in mind

J o n
13-02-2006, 14:48
yeah I would, I was looking at 328i's before I bought the Willy, was going to save myself some money and only spend 10k'ish on one (as this one cost lees to buy but has almost cost that alone in parts, mods and repairs! lol). Most were dogs and only worth about 7-8k at the time of looking, but I had my old man with me and he's good at finding damage and stuff like that.

13-02-2006, 14:56
the reason im saying this is because id love a trophy tbh, but that'll be a couple of years at least, until they come down to a realisitc price. maybe when there 9/10k rather than 13k!
after driving a 'newer' car i am quite tempted to look around for something newer, but i cant find the heart to go through with it and sell the williams, esp since ive sorted the arches and wheels out now, and got it looking mint.
unless i get a job on 30k next year (hah as if!) i'd never be able to afford to run 2 'sports' cars. i reckon i could sell the williams for 3ish in 6months and buy a 172 for 7/8 but i dont think that would be in my best interests.

13-02-2006, 15:01
I bought and paid cash for our 182 privately.
£11,500 in cash counted out in south mimms services while eating a baguette with the guy.
Got some strange looks i'll tell ya lol

J o n
13-02-2006, 15:06
I know where your coming from mate, really I do! lol

I went to look at one a month ago, but they wouldn't let me test drive it unless I said I'd buy it, which is ridiculous to be honest, so I told them to get to ****. I was well looking forward to that too :cry:

I'd not replace the Willy with another Clio though, imo the others are all second best in nearly every aspect, the Willy and V6 are the only ones that really shout out 'RARE!' at people so it's nice to have the exclusivity of having a rare car. I fear that the Trophy will depreciate in value however come the new RS... it shouldn't being a limited run, but Reno haven't done enough to promote this car as anything other than just another ltd production run... kinda like the 172 'Exclusive'.

TBH my Williams is worth more to me than anyone else, i'm the daft cunt that's spent a fortune on it, so there's no way someone else would be getting my now sound Williams for any amount of money (well, within reason!) and I certainly cant go out and buy another Clio that as std is anywhere near the car this is... I'm now thinking CHEAP run about, possibly something like a Primera... I really cant emphasise enough how bullet proof these cars are!

13-02-2006, 16:34
well om not on 30k lol and can afford 2 cars at end of day u can only drive one at a time!

ive thought about selling the williams many a time due to various annoying things, but after seeing so many mint williams on saturday it makes me realise how special the car is and how much it stands out, not just a commen as muck looking mk2 etc which is why ive just spent the last 3 hours refitting the interior and in process of getting it std(well lol near anyways)

id still consider a newer car but i dont want the debt of one, ive not got long till my debt is cleared and the williams is practically new anyway!

13-02-2006, 21:13
dont worry about it. took 20k in a bargain booze carrier bag once to fetch a car :shock: and all i had was the hpi report.

these days i would probably get a specialist to check any car that i wasn't familiar with. usually about 150 to get it on the ramps and give it a good look over but if i was spending good money on a car then its not a lot for peace of mind.

14-02-2006, 00:04
I'm now thinking CHEAP run about, possibly something like a Primera... I really cant emphasise enough how bullet proof these cars are!

My mate has a boggo '95 (ish) Primera 2.0-litre and he got 135mph out of it (downhill) two-up. Supposed to be relatively decent handlers too.

Perhaps then we'll see you at a meet?

J o n
14-02-2006, 09:37
I'm now thinking CHEAP run about, possibly something like a Primera... I really cant emphasise enough how bullet proof these cars are!

My mate has a boggo '95 (ish) Primera 2.0-litre and he got 135mph out of it (downhill) two-up. Supposed to be relatively decent handlers too.

Perhaps then we'll see you at a meet?

my mates is a 95, but only the 1.6, goes okay considering the gears are long as hell and the handling is great for what it is, really good feedback through the wheel which was a shock... great for power slides anyway 8)

well, Nissan being owned by Reno would mean i'd need to bring a completely different car to meets, dont wanna be left out you see... was thinking more of a Kia Pride... :lol:

15-02-2006, 11:11
I'll bring my mate's one along so you don't feel left out 8)