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View Full Version : misfire! only when flooring it!

matt uk
12-02-2006, 11:01
just got home guys

4.5 hour drive! back from plymouth to nottingham

anyway the cars bodywork is MINT and the wheels are 9/10 for sure

will get pics up tomorrow when i have chance as its pitch black now

list of probs i'lkl have fixed tomorrow:

exhaust clanging about

play in steering (needs welding)

list of probs i dunno how to fix:
so help me please!!!

petrol gauge is stuck on halfway

rev counter sometimes has a mind of its own... even at a steady 3.5k (70mph) its jumping about betwwen 3-4k revs but with no affect to the actuall cars revving...... odd

also the car misfires if you try and floor it, this happens 75% of the time and expecially when cold!. if you take it steady and are light footed the thing drives great. any ideas? this is the main problem i really wanna sort.

anyway after it got warm and i took it steady for a bit i nailed it in 3rd and 4th... didnrt misfire until about 10 seconds into the "hammering it part" so it cant be that serious of a problem cause it was bloody fast!

if anyone knows anything on how to fix this misfire or lives anywhere near nottingham i'll gladly bring it down for you too look at and see if you can sort it for some $$ obviously.

it bound to be just a sensor or plugs surely?


12-02-2006, 15:45
Ive cut and paste from my other post lol

I had a simular problem with my valver. It drove ok until you hammered it, then at about 5k it seemed to hit a brick wall and stay there. I just drove it steady for a while but the symtoms changed and then the rev counter used to go ape s**t on its own lol, this did effect my engine though as i could feel it miss firing, but not all the time. Then it sometime cut out and wouldnt start . My dad got a friend to have a look who is an auto electrician but when he came round it started and ran fine That happened twice. One day i got really pissed off with it so just stripped all the earths off, sanded the connection points and bolted them back on. Took off all electrical connectors and sprayed them with good old wd-40 and since then it has never missed a beat I think it was an earth cuasing my problem as a spent loads of cash changing plugs/leads/dizzy and rota arm/coil and so on and it never did owt.

Oh yeah, the symtoms i had were on and off really, sometimes it was ok and you could hammer it through 1st and 2nd then in 3rd it would hit the brick wall again and spoil my fun lol

My guess is, the guy who has sold it cant fix the problem. I wanted to get rid of mine because of it. Took me 2 months to find the problem

12-02-2006, 18:13
check/change plugs and leads, most likely some crap in there or fouled plugs.
check/clean/change dizzy cap and rotor arm
check all injector plugs, common for these to break and injector not work properly
clean injectors, usually some injector cleaner ran through the tank should sort it.
check/change inlet manifold gasket
check throttle position sensor

14-06-2007, 08:56
any solution here ?