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View Full Version : Football match

15-03-2005, 20:43
Us v Cliosport team at FCS

Anyone up for it?

15-03-2005, 20:46
Me! definately.

15-03-2005, 20:47
boxing, wrestling and arm wrestling for you.

15-03-2005, 20:47
Get a post up on Cliosport then. Id rather play rugby, but no one will have the skill.

15-03-2005, 20:51
im to much of a fat bastard to run around a pitch so shove me in goal! and that is being honest! :0) used to be a keeper many years ago when at skool!

15-03-2005, 20:54
Ok i bags centre midfield

15-03-2005, 20:54
im not too bad at football... :-) and everyone i have seen at the nw meets are lean mean fighting machines so fitness wont be a problem.

15-03-2005, 20:54
Northy runs home from work so hes playing.

15-03-2005, 20:58
How about a game of chess?


be good Mk1 vs Mk2

2 live
15-03-2005, 22:14
Get a post up on Cliosport then. Id rather play rugby, but no one will have the skill.

lol....ex winger meself...played both union and league.(on the books for halifax rlfc when i was a kid).....prefer union tho...hehe

football....im more a defender than owt else...played left back for school and jr teams, central mid/wing for pubs..........not played proper for bout 10 years tho so fitness not the best now lol......but yeah im up for it

big hp
15-03-2005, 22:48
I'll play. Not bad at football as it goes.

I love my kickboxing though. See if they'll do that as well. I'm 14-1 by the way :twisted:

15-03-2005, 23:41
well i still play regularly as a keeper at quite a decent level but can play out as well and seen as i'm cack footed i can fill the left wing role nicely! i'll put me boots in the car then shall i ?

J o n
15-03-2005, 23:50
i'm up for this, both footed too, so just stick me anywhere except goal.... lol

15-03-2005, 23:53
I'll play either, but prefer football at my age :shock:

J o n
15-03-2005, 23:55
gotta be footy, although I hear they are pretty good at Ass Kerplunk... apparently the idea is to insert as many straws as possible... :shock:

15-03-2005, 23:56

16-03-2005, 02:29
count me in too, i still play but im a tubby bastard, its in the mind but the body lets me down!

18-03-2005, 02:59
seems to be a positive response on CS so this may go ahead :twisted:

Irish Nut
18-03-2005, 09:44
You can count me in for this as well! :D

18-03-2005, 09:54
Can someone get a post up on Cliospoet with the callenge then???

18-03-2005, 11:07
I'm a spack when it comes to football, of the highest order, so I'll stick to cheerleading if that's ok! :shock:

18-03-2005, 11:58
gunner has already done it!

18-03-2005, 16:36
its sticked in there meeting section...loll.