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View Full Version : Got the rounded bolts out the stat housing !!!

07-12-2005, 16:22
tried my impact driver that i bought which made light work of the other 3 bolts, but the 2 that were rounded off were another story

out comes my black and decker wizard (dremel thing)

i managed to cut a slot in one of them, and using the impact driver with a flat head bit, i managed to unscrew it out


tried that with the other one and the head of it kind of fell to pieces, arse

anywayz, i just attacked it, and 3 cutting discs later i managed to cut away all of the head of it

off comes the stat housing, mole grips didnt seem to be able to hold the bit that was sticking out very well, so i used the wizard again and cut a slot in it, out it came easy as pie


so, ive now got a proper stat in, instead of the low temp one

07-12-2005, 16:43
good lad brun....dremels are ace.

But at £15 a go - them cutting disks are well expensive.

07-12-2005, 16:45
nah, a £15 one would have still been with me, i was using the free ones i got with it, which are nowhere near as strong

08-12-2005, 20:22
where on the gauge does it normally go up to with a standard stat in ?