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22-11-2005, 23:54
[drive safe kids]


image dont work so:


23-11-2005, 00:18
I've often thought about this. There certainly are benefits of driving a Mk2. Or any new car for that matter.

Always slips my mind whilst I'm driving in a spirited manner though, funnily enough.

23-11-2005, 01:25
yup, i was going really slow when i crashed the Clio GTT and it just caved in

23-11-2005, 11:11
**** about :shock:

dus any1 know how fast that impact is at?

23-11-2005, 11:19
Probably 40mph, although it might even be 30.

2 live
23-11-2005, 11:59
wearing no seatbelt tends to remind u of the dangers ...which is a good thing cos then u more respectful of other road users....IMO lol

23-11-2005, 12:14
i cant drive without my seat belt on, i feel way to uncomfortable and unsafe!!

23-11-2005, 13:22
i cant drive without my seat belt on, i feel way to uncomfortable and unsafe!!

im excactly the same mate, can be a passenger with no seat belt on but cant drive without it

23-11-2005, 14:11
i always felt safe with seatbelst until i got my harnesses! whole new ball game! :shock: wouldnt go back to standard belts on my clio! no way! :?

23-11-2005, 14:24
Seat belts wont save you in that pic. say bye bye to your legs lol. The best advise i can give is to hit something softer like people walking down the road, not a solid wall :P

23-11-2005, 15:16
if u look at that pic, it looks like the seat belt is about 2 rip the dumys head off :shock:

23-11-2005, 21:52
i lost my mate recently to a crash like that. he went head first in a 1.2 prima into a traffic lite then a tree. no one knows what really happened. he was only 18 aswell. it rips u apart when something like that happens to someone u know, mad how he was there one day n three weeks of life support later they have to let him go. i love clios but it still makes you think.


23-11-2005, 21:56
and the dummy's slid round the air bag instead of hitting it, nice. Oh well, my new clio hasn't got one :?