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05-11-2005, 20:29
Just a warning to you all.

My mate drove home last night after having 4/5 pints, no need to other people were driving and could ahve given him a lift, i didn;t know he was driving or would have insisted on giving him a lift (i was driving so only had 1 pint).

Haven't managed to get hold of him yet, but heard from different sources that he hit 2 cars and the front of someone's house, writing his car off and ending up in hospital.

Apparently he is out now, but still can't get hold of him :?

As i said, just think before drinking and driving, as a result he now has no transport to get to and from work, as he works as a labourer travelling around the countryside to various jobs

05-11-2005, 20:32
:shock: tit

05-11-2005, 20:57
with all due respect your mate is a grade A twat. ive no time for drink drivers. never done it never will. [-(

big hp
05-11-2005, 21:28
Sorry but I hope he's hurt himself. No time whatsoever for drink drivers. String em up in the town centre and stone them I say.

05-11-2005, 23:31
Drink driving is awesome on private lane me and my mates have been wasted a few times and driven round one of my mates farms its funny as ****.

However on the road - CUNT!!!!

See ya


05-11-2005, 23:39
personally, i hope he and his car is ok.
Granted you shouldnt drink n drive i dont and never will but thats no reason to wish someone to hurt themselves.

Hope he is ok Lunner - good thing is this will be a lesson to him and he wont do it again

05-11-2005, 23:39
sorry but i agree with the others, grade A tit!

05-11-2005, 23:49
Yup, agreed, a twat for drink driving.

Saw him tonight, got the full story, he had only had 3 pints, not an excuse i know, lost the back end on a bend, and went over the kerb, into teh front end of someone's car and took out the wall of their house.

He is ok, cuts to his face, got taken to teh hospital by a mate, breathalised and was over the limit, took the police, as we live on a county boundary 4 hours to get him to and collected by the other force and taken to their station for a blood test., breathalised him again and by that time he had sobered up.

Still waiting to see if he faces dangerious driving charges tho, imo he shoudl ahve lost his lisence for 6 months, as harsh as it sounds its not the firts time hes done it and its not clever and hopefully he has learnt his lesson.

Completely totalled his car btw, and the car he hit

06-11-2005, 00:22

06-11-2005, 00:43
I agree Tit....drink driving is like taking a gun into the street and randomly firing it!....its also why WE all pay too much insurance!

06-11-2005, 01:00
so, someone else has to go through all the hassle of dealing with there insurance after your mate wrecks there car, thats nice of him, i hope those 3 pints were worth it

06-11-2005, 04:00
not good! drink drivers are a waste of space! no remorse for them!

06-11-2005, 11:54
kinda feel bad now for hoping he is ok :?

06-11-2005, 12:20
kinda feel bad now for hoping he is ok :?

Don't feel bad!....not wishing harm to another human being, however stupid they have been is a noble sentiment :wink:

06-11-2005, 14:14
Brun - they haven't got the hassle of contacting their insurance, my mates insurance covers it all, but they still ahve the hassle of having a wrecked house and car.

He said the back end went, spun around 90 degrees, don't know if him being sober would have made a difference.

Not trying to defend him, just putting it up as a warning to everyone.

To be honest i think hes defo learnt his lesson

06-11-2005, 14:27
if the back end spun out then he was imo driving to fast and there for if was sober would of had the sense to take it easy

06-11-2005, 14:31
What a twat! Its just not worth it is it? Although, 3 pints and he couldnt controll his car :? Lightweight :lol:

06-11-2005, 14:56
Thats what i mean, this is why i don't think the drink had much to do wiht it, mate in his BMW was following, and i had a play wiht him earlier int eh ngiht, so i'm thinking maybe he was pushing too hard and just lacked the skill to know what to doand control it.

heard people say before when tehiur car has spun on track, they just out their foot on the brake, tbh it was automatric to stick oppersite lock on when i fiirst lost the back end on a wet r/about

07-11-2005, 13:05