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View Full Version : THEIVING TOWN SCUM!!!

16-10-2005, 18:35
went to town earlier to put some money in the ATM and get a maccy d! as im at the cash point i notice some kids eyeing up the willy (3 young boys age 10/11 and 1 girl age 10/11). i noticed one of them specifically eyeing up the wheels! didnt think anything of it so i put money in the atm and went round the corner to maccy d's! 2 of them were in maccy d's when i was ordering my food. anyways i got home and noticed that 2 of my metal(speedline gold) dust caps were missing! so i went inmdoors and ate my macdonalds and decided **** it im gonna go back to town to find them!!! so headed back into town and straight away saw one of the boys(not the one i suspected of nicking them)and the girl so pulled up sharpish popped the zorst and ripped the shit out of them! i said "where is your mate?? hes ****ing nicked my dust caps and i want them back" didnt shout just spoke firmly. they said they were looking for him, so i said tell him i want them back as im gonna drive around all night looking for him to get them back! they said they would look for him. so 10 minutes of driving round i saw them in the centre of town where all the town rats hangout and they waved me over to stop and the girl came over and gave me them back and she said he was really sorry for nicking them. i just said thank you very much for returning them and drove off..

so ended well! basically it was the principal,as i wouldnt have driven round all night

16-10-2005, 18:43
hehe good 'un, those shitstains on society need teachin a lesson from time to time :twisted:

16-10-2005, 18:43
did well to get em back mate!

16-10-2005, 18:46
yeah i did mate! bit of a worry tho when talking to them, who knows what they could do to my car or throw at it!

16-10-2005, 18:54
yeah i did mate! bit of a worry tho when talking to them, who knows what they could do to my car or throw at it!

yer you knows it, tbh i dont think i would have tried to get em back, just would have worried that they may brick my car or some shit. the other problem is even these little shits are carrying weapons these days :roll:

16-10-2005, 19:14
yeah i did mate! bit of a worry tho when talking to them, who knows what they could do to my car or throw at it!

yer you knows it, tbh i dont think i would have tried to get em back, just would have worried that they may brick my car or some shit. the other problem is even these little shits are carrying weapons these days :roll:

i agree with that :shock: little shisters

17-10-2005, 00:17
you should have killed them all