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View Full Version : williams vs sierra cossie

25-09-2005, 20:39
well on way back from york me n steve in frs was chasing some sierra cossies when another one appeared behind me while stuck in traffic, got clear of the traffic and got foot down, into a series of left/right bends and managed to pull alittle on the cossie untill we got to this big straight and me flat out at 90-100 he made me look like i was stood still lol :lol:

although u could tell he couldnt get power down on corners!

btw i was on clio williams, steve in his frs

25-09-2005, 20:43
you was on clio williams??? car surfin again eh rich! lol :wink:

25-09-2005, 20:53
oops lol in clio williams that should be

26-09-2005, 22:58
those lads were MAD!!

I was doin 120 on the straight an i was stood still when he passed!!! I honestly thought we were gonna be pullin one of em out the ditch before the M62!!!

27-09-2005, 14:22
Aye know how you feel I got toasted by a cossie up the strip!! Was 3rd gear before he could get the power down lol

27-09-2005, 18:42
yeah it was them from york, just one of them was seriously fast at top end! must of been packing a fair bit of power to accelerate away from me at that speed so quickly!