View Full Version : Loose top mounting front shock

22-05-2015, 14:00
I bought my Williams with adjustable Koni front shocks a while ago. I have heard some noice from the front suspension when I have driving it. Now I noticed that there is a gap between the body (the strut housing)and the upper plate(with rubber mantle) on top of the shock. When the front wheel is in the air I can move the whole front strut upward (half a cm). Does somebody has a picture how the upper mounting (the different parts) looks like? There is a screw to tighten the mounting pieces but that does not help.
Ronald (Sweden)

22-05-2015, 14:10
Hi Ronald,

I'm not sure about the movement as I've never tried to move it.. but there should be a little gap between the strut tower and the mount.. if you can fit a finger in between then that is too much and the bearing has probably gone in the mount..

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

25-05-2015, 12:26
Hi Ronald,

I'm not sure about the movement as I've never tried to move it.. but there should be a little gap between the strut tower and the mount.. if you can fit a finger in between then that is too much and the bearing has probably gone in the mount..

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks for your answer Vandella. I have never seen a design like this on any car and that´s way I was so surprised that I could move the strut. For me it was a new experience that the shock was movable. No, it is not so much space that I can put a finger in between.