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View Full Version : Original battery will 3?

04-02-2014, 10:05
Sorry if this sounds a bit anal, but does anyone know what batteries were fitted to a williams 3 from the factory?

Many thanks,


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04-02-2014, 16:45
im not sure - maybe the best bet would be to look in the original sales brochure.

Delphi batteries seam to ring a bell though

04-02-2014, 23:46
Doh!! Will look now.

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05-02-2014, 11:11
let me know what it is if u can see it mate.

05-03-2014, 05:07
I worked in the Parts Department for a while around 1998ish

Renault were using Varta batteries at that time
I can't confirm if they were used before that though