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View Full Version : best standard f7r head gasket?

07-04-2013, 01:38
just got my ported head today so now need a gasket, last one was from eurocrapparts in october 2012! looked naff when i used it but as it was all i had and no money and cold times it got used! no regretting that im here asking and wondering whats the best standard i can get? just for road use no boost (but it is going to get r1 carbs and cammed eventually)

what the thickness of a standard gasket anyone no?

im not sure if it was the gasket at fault or if it overheated (as found my matrix is leaking since its been laid up! :@) or the eprom chip is at fault

taking no chances anyway, so all to be eliminated

cheers Ash

07-04-2013, 08:50

07-04-2013, 10:52
Avoid anything made by BGA

07-04-2013, 15:29
Genuine Renault.