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View Full Version : renault refurbs

2 live
16-04-2012, 09:36
what happened to the thread with the new/refurb wheels from reno in?

was a good factual thread. did it upset someone? it appears to have been deleted.

new wheels for 0002 i think the title was.

16-04-2012, 11:36
Which one you on about Jon?
The one I linked to the other night is still there.

16-04-2012, 19:49
Thread was there two days ago. Read through and genuinely laughed at a few points. Guy couldn't take a joke.

16-04-2012, 20:06
its still there!


16-04-2012, 20:24

2 live
16-04-2012, 20:40
lol...thats the one....my eyes must be failing me...it wasnt there when i looked ....im sure of it...lol