View Full Version : New Renault Parts Direct Website

26-01-2012, 16:48
Good afternoon

We are currently in the process of pushing forward for a brand new website.
As the website is for you the customer, please can we have some feedback in
what options / features you would like to see on the website? For example
... word search options etc.

Whilst we can't promise to do everything, your feedback would be a great


Paul Temperton
Renault Parts Direct
[email protected]

26-01-2012, 18:09
Similar parts websites have the ability to find parts from your registration plate, so at the home page you enter your registration number in and then any parts you search/click through are compatible with your vehicle. I always like that feature on any car parts website.

26-01-2012, 20:56
is there anyway you can have some sort dialogies pictures on there pointing to the relevant parts and saying if they are still available/part number and prices? like below


27-01-2012, 08:28
With all due respect take less than 9 days to deliver an off the shelf part :oops:

27-01-2012, 09:08
With all due respect take less than 9 days to deliver an off the shelf part :oops:

With all due respect the question asked was related to their website. Even the word 'website' not only appears in the title of the post, but also in the body of the post 3 times :roll:

27-01-2012, 09:21
Good morning

Thank you for the feedback guys.

Sometimes we will let someone down. Its human nature, have you never made a mistake?

It could be Renault UK have let us down, it could be we have made a error. Mistakes happen.

I pride myself on the hard work I put in. We offer great discount for you guys and FREE UK delivery.

I promise you 99% of the orders will deal with go out with no problems. I am sorry you have had a bad experience with us



27-01-2012, 09:42
I have ordered many a time from Paul at RPD - never had anything but instant replys to my questions and parts delivered within a few days of my order.

I dont go anywhere else for my parts!

As P4cks says - a registration search would be great.

27-01-2012, 19:21
i had my issues regarding some handbrake cables, but things were all sorted out, and renault UK have let RPD down regarding these parts which was not there fault.

27-01-2012, 19:55

I like the idea about showing pictures then whats available / no longer available.

Not sure if that can be built into the website but will deffo look until creating a section on here with this type of info.



27-01-2012, 21:14
I have ordered many a time from Paul at RPD - never had anything but instant replys to my questions and parts delivered within a few days of my order.

I dont go anywhere else for my parts!


27-01-2012, 22:01
I have ordered many a time from Paul at RPD - never had anything but instant replys to my questions and parts delivered within a few days of my order.

I dont go anywhere else for my parts!


Me too.

27-01-2012, 22:08
I have ordered many a time from Paul at RPD - never had anything but instant replys to my questions and parts delivered within a few days of my order.

I dont go anywhere else for my parts!


Me too.

Me three :D

17-04-2012, 12:56
Good afternoon

I am pleased to say our new website is now available to view.

The vehicle sections are now split into categories (Brakes, steering etc) to make it easier for you to find the part you require.

Also once in the section you can now use a search box to find the part you require.

The website is in its early days so any problems you notice please let us know, we are currently working on a different enquiry form which will be loaded onto the website soon.

We would also need all users that were on the old version of our website to re register on the new site. Any issues with this please let me know.


Paul Temperton
[email protected]

17-04-2012, 13:22
The site looks great chaps well done. I need a bucket load of parts this month and I will most certainly be headed your way. Very minor thing, but get a better picture of a Clio Williams for your options page. It is also a smaller size to all of the other pictures. A bit OCD, but such a simple thing to sort!!

Great work though.

17-04-2012, 13:39
Hi guys

Yeah I am looking out for a better picture.

If anyone can source a better picture please email me -

[email protected]



17-04-2012, 14:53
You can have one of my car! Just been detailed!! I'll email you...

17-04-2012, 15:44
Wilma is now famous!!