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View Full Version : Part weight

22-12-2011, 00:20
Do we have a thread with part weights? To see what's worth removing if someone wanted to strip their car and where's the best place to start.

Maybe we could make it a sticky?

22-12-2011, 00:39
Great idea :D

Hopefully could get a list going here....

22-12-2011, 09:33
Stevie_b is well clued up on this seen some really good posts from him on weight loss.

22-12-2011, 09:59
When I started stripping the car I bought a set of digital scales and kept them in the garage. I used it to weigh every bit I removed to a 5g accuracy. I put it all into a spreadsheet and so had a running total of how much weight was removed and therefore what the car should then weigh. This would have been ideal for the list you talk of but unfortunately the PC I did it all on had a hard drive crash a few years back and I think I lost it all. I recall seeing my sheet of paper with most of it scribbled down though somewhere (I didn't have a PC in the garage so had to note down what I weighed and enter it into the spreadsheet at a later date) so over the holidays I'll have a hunt around and see if I can find that sheet of paper and that will probably be a good starting point for us.

22-12-2011, 12:26

25-12-2011, 00:28
Would be awsome if you find it stevie_b :)