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View Full Version : Williams wanted

12-10-2011, 19:17
Hi guys,

I am looking for a second car and have decided on a Clio Williams. They seem to be rare as rocking horse shit and finding one is proving difficult!

I am looking for one for a MAXIMUM of £1k. Distance doesn't matter as I would get it delivered.

Please please please keep your eyes open for me!

12-10-2011, 21:19
Good luck. I'm sure if there is one you will find it mentioned on here. I fear however that the budget is going to be too low to get a 'good' one. Are you prepared to do work on it?

12-10-2011, 22:22
You just missed one.

12-10-2011, 22:28
Good price. Probably make that back by breaking it, no doubt. Think it would cost quite a bit more than £1k budget to make it a reasonable, fun, second car though.

13-10-2011, 07:40
Thanks for the replies guys.

Budget for purchase is £1k and I plan to keep the car for a long time and slowly bring it to a concourse standard, much like a project.

I have a Z4 Coupe at the moment and to be Frank, it's a little boring as it never breaks so I can't 'tinker' with it on a weekend. I also need a fwd car for the winter. Prior to that I had a VX220 Turbo which being a hand built car meant I found myself working on it most weekends to put things back together.

That one on eBay for £1k was one I was looking at and was in negotiations with the seller but he sold it. I had even priced up delivery as I am in the north east.

Anyway, my search continues...[/quote]

18-10-2011, 13:35
Funny. I know a guy with a Z4, whose previous car was a VX220 as well...

23-10-2011, 12:54
Funny. I know a guy with a Z4, whose previous car was a VX220 as well...

A natural progression for some :D.

Anyhow, I found a Willy 3 so my search for a car is over, however I am now searching for parts for it haha

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/312595_10150322731330668_502035667_8465021_1773250 726_n.jpg