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12-08-2011, 16:18
hey all, just wondering if any rolling road center would have the orignal setup for my willy.... i.e. for a diagnostic check.. are there any systems/programs that work well or is it only the xr 25 that can acheive this? im having emissions problems....and possibly an inlet problem, which is causing it to fail its mot. it has a de-cat , but it passed last year with a bit of a bodge from the join i think.. im aware that a new lamda sensor could be in order n so ive read on here, a bosch one is the way to go. but i would like to get it fully checked over.. without sending it back into the more expensive car hospital..(Renault!) does anyone no of any good places or people to see in the south east region? I took a trip to sumo power in rye as that my closest apparently n they think they can help.. although there a japanese specialist. good bet?? :?