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View Full Version : Insurance Again...

09-01-2011, 22:52
Im 28 with 8 years no claims, never made a claim in my life, clean licence blah blah blah.

Insurance is a ****ing rip off now. Anyone else finding this?

Ive just bought an 08 Vectra Diesel estate, group 11 insurance, £850. Are they serious? Ive used all the online comparison sites and phoned a few well known ones that dont use them, all around this price. I wouldve expected to get this for around £350.

I got my renewal through for my V6 Omega a month ago, and its gone from £420 Nov 2009 to £820 Nov 2010.

Is no one else finding insurance has just gone through the roof?

09-01-2011, 23:25
My ITB'd hybrid has gone from £550 to £800, with no change in circumstances.

09-01-2011, 23:39
It does seem to have gone up a lot over all. I just bought a new car yesterday and needed to insure that. If I add the wife, who has had two accidents in the last year (I have had none in 20 years) then it goes down! Even stranger is that I was going for a 3k miles a year limit in order to keep the cost lower but if I up it to 5k miles a year it gets £100 cheaper. Makes no sense really so just go on the comparison sites and play with permutations with the quotes as it seems to be a bit of a lottery to get the cheapest cost!

09-01-2011, 23:49
Sadly the cost of everything has gone up. I am sorry to say most of the cost increase is due to a massive increase in claims for things like whiplash and typical claims that are hard to prove as being fraudulent, (but we know they probably are) on top of very high legal costs for cases. On top of that is an increase in uninsured drivers, where the law abiding drivers get screwed over.

We have seen it in home insurance too, the number of claims for dropped laptops and similar accidental damage cases sky rocketed over the recession. I spoke to a guy who phoned in three times on one day, all for separate 'dropped the laptop down stairs' claims. That's three laptops he dropped on the same day each time he walked down stairs...how do you prove he is lying?

Other classics are carpet claims, HUGE increase in these kind of claims.

The money has to come from somewhere, it's us who pays.

Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) has been increased by the new government too.

10-01-2011, 00:19
Well at least it seems to be going up across the board.

Dread to think what these teenagers are paying now. It will soon back to my early days of £1000+ a year I predict in a couple of years.

The chap at vauxhall said that new drivers are having to put their insurance premium on their finance when they go in to buy cars its getting that ridiculous.

Everything is just so expensive now when it comes to motoring, petrol, insurance, tax etc etc. Mind you everyone is going to pay it so thats why they keep increasing it!

11-01-2011, 21:30
Went to the dreaded compare the market.com. More than halved my renewal premium :D

11-01-2011, 23:20
Went to the dreaded compare the market.com. More than halved my renewal premium :D

I popped along to comp teh market and dd a quick quote. I have no claims or driving convictions, and I am soon 38 years old.

The ONLY quote I got through was for:

Deposit: £1447.76
(11 x £877.83)
Total: £11103.89

12-01-2011, 09:41
for your Veyron?