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View Full Version : URGENT - Lights dimming when moving and wipers come on.!!

30-10-2010, 20:01
Rallying tomorrow and tonight the lights kepp dimming only when moving (fine on idle), very intermitant but all the time flickering in and out, when it happens the wipers also come on and the indicators on the dashboard start to flicker..!!!

Any help...!!???

Screams of earths but where to start.!!!

30-10-2010, 20:05
right here mate!


30-10-2010, 20:09
Wheres that ? on the front panel ?

30-10-2010, 20:13
yep..N/S behind headlight

30-10-2010, 20:19
Have you had the same issue ? do you have to remove the headlight to see it ?

30-10-2010, 20:25
you bet had the same issue..but it was happening full on as in as soon as putting the ignition on. my fault as i had the loom out when doing some work on the rad/slam panel area. forgot to tighten it back up properly. drove me crazy for 2 days stripping every panel out of the car!
yeah its kinda awkward to get at without taking the lamp or possibly the front grill.

30-10-2010, 20:32
Just looked not connected....!! fingers crossed thats all sorted no good when car 1 last year was clocked at 150 on one of the single lane straights and there trees either side of every stage.

NO LIGHTS was just not an option with the last 2 stage run in the dark..!!



Life saver thanks.!!

30-10-2010, 20:35
No worries..me and me mates used to run our cars in the dark without lights on for kicks when we were young and crazy! but i imagine on a rally stage that would be :shock:

30-10-2010, 20:44
and thanks for the vids..much better than watching that x factor! :wink: