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View Full Version : Uneven Handbrake

11-07-2010, 18:34
Is the handbrake design just really poor?

I have refurbed pretty much the whole rear end on my Williams including new disc, pads, calipers, brake bias valve, rear lines, rear beam, handbrake cables etc.

I seem to be able to lock the rear right wheel on the handbrake but not the rear left (When jacked up), it just seems that the handbrake system is poor and is never even. Has anyone else had this problem and managed to solve it?

2 live
11-07-2010, 18:58
tbh mate the whole rear braking system is poor......no need for discs on the back imho. nowt wrong with the drums set up and not enough weight/braking force needed to warrant discs.

11-07-2010, 19:05
there is nothing wrong with the handbrake if adjusted correctly.

loosen & back adjuster right off on the handbrake lever
Take out handbrake cable on adjuster and on the caliper
take out pads
pull caliper lever for the handbrake fully back to - off position
wind in piston
refit pads
Pump the pedal to reseat the rear pads and ensure they are fully home.
refit cables to the caliper and handbrake
Tighten up adjuster and check handbrake - ensure both wheels lock which they will

Job done :winkey:

oh and when youve done it - you can join get membership to say thank you for the help

11-07-2010, 21:16
I fund I had to take the entire adjuster bit off as it was such a pain getting the cable ends slotted on and off! Bloody things...

12-07-2010, 02:54
I have tried all of the above and still no luck. Will give it a second go though. Just seems that one cable is always tighter than the other!

Didn't realise my membership had even expired, will get it renewed shortly.

12-07-2010, 10:52
do what i have said in the exact order i wrote!

12-07-2010, 12:49
Yea, what Northy's written, that should 'reset' the rear brakes so both are even. I had this too but it was only out by a tiny bit and they are fine now.

13-07-2010, 20:12
is it down to the position of the caliper arm?

14-07-2010, 07:49
have you done exactly as i wrote ?

14-07-2010, 19:48
I did that the first time i bolted on the new calipers yes, and that was the result I had one locks fine and the other does not. You can actually see the difference in tension on the two handbrake cables which might be down to the routing but i'm unsure.

I have noticed that there is a difference between the calipers. One has a reccessed part at the end for the handbrake cable and the other is just a round bar.

I'm going to try resetting them again tonight, again following the instructions you listed above. I hope it works as my MOT is on Monday

14-07-2010, 21:42
I had a refurb caliper with round bar and a genuine reno cable wouldnt go all the way in so this would be my guess for you that cables are pubbling at differing lengths

14-07-2010, 23:39
Think that might be the problem, I did everything Nothy said just now and its no better.

The right cable is just tighter than the left. I have managed to get both wheels to lock although the left one only just by playing around with the adjuster nut. Now on first click the right wheel has resistance and after 2 clicks is locked. On 5 clicks the left wheel just about locks. Hopefully that will be good enough for the MOT.

15-07-2010, 08:20
i take it you checked that the handbrake cables are the same length ?

If not get the cables out and compair them - if they arent the same buy 2 new ones.

As with my guide - it works 100% of the time - so something else MUST BE WRONG.

15-07-2010, 16:27
both my cables were genuine renault but only one side would tap all the way home in the caliper, i expect your round rodded one hasnt gone all the way in

16-07-2010, 23:32
The cables where both brand new Renault items so I hope they are the same length but a good point and worth checking.

Failing that can it be down to the routing?