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View Full Version : A petrolhead narrowly avoids a pile-up in the Dartford tunne

03-06-2010, 23:10
I just had to post this up, see what you guys think... it's all over the news here tonight in Kent...


"A petrolhead narrowly avoids a pile-up in the Dartford tunnel while filming himself drive at more than 100mph."

Obviously the guy is speeding in that video, 100mph??? the limit is 50mph and he slows right down. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but they are really hyping this up, the TV news report was just as bad... it goes on...

"The speed demon has posted a video of his souped-up car swerving to avoid a line of traffic on YouTube."

I didn't see him swerve? He did slow down and change lanes, wouldn't call that a swerve?

Golden tbh...

He looked in control, albeit he was holding a camera with one hand, which is stupid... But come on, did he really "narrowly avoid a pile-up"?


03-06-2010, 23:22
Wouldn't say he narrowly avoided anything. Just driving a bit like a tool going over double white lines. I was waiting for an emergency stop not simply pulling into another lane.

03-06-2010, 23:24
The guys a dipstick but he didn't 'narrowly avoid an accident' if the writer hadn't hyped the story up it would never have made headlines.

04-06-2010, 00:12
Shaky camera made his driving looked uncontrolled. Just another dickhead driving with no consideration for traffic condition, that's all.