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View Full Version : Naff Williams Door Cards

25-05-2010, 17:40
Hi Guys, what's the best way to reinforce the door card ledges?


25-05-2010, 20:31
Once they start going, that's it. You can try bodging them I guess, take em off, reset them into position, mega glue with maybe something to hold them in, and clamp it overnight to set...

I'd get more...if I could be arsed!

26-05-2010, 11:38
Thanks Wobba for the reply.

They must have gone ages ago. For now I've gaffered them from underneath and was thinking about fibre glass or some balsa wood and No more Nails glue and bung it all in there.

Any other suggestions? Will let you know how it goes...

31-05-2010, 19:56
Hi, reinforced the door card ledges with wood wedged inside to push out creases as much as possible. Wood fixed with No More Nails and then heavily gaffer taped. Then more glue added over the gaffer tape and finally expanding foam.

The ledges are a lot firmer if not solid to touch. Just hope it doesn't all come off when I shut the doors!
