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View Full Version : Rear axle bushes

23-04-2010, 08:35
I want to replace the rear bushes on the axle on the clio. I have looked on dialogies but cannot see any part numbers for this bush

Can any of you guys help me. It is the bush inside the metal casting which bolts the torsion bar / axle to the car

23-04-2010, 10:54
total nightmare of a job i've heard, personally i'd source a good second hand rear beam, when my old valver started knocking from rear end i did just that, cost me £100 altogether to buy beam and pay garage to fit it, inc swapping all calipers etc over

obviously these days i'd do it myself ;-)

23-04-2010, 12:53
i have done this on my renault 9 rear axle .
will be doing it on a spare 19 16v axle i have here as soon
as i find the time .

its a bitch of a job but well worth it imo thinking that
any second hand rear axle you will get will still be as bad as
the one you have .

i think clio axles use different bushes to R9/11/19/21 .
renault sells bushes allready installed in to the arms for mega
money ,i bought the bushes only and used my existing arms .

23-04-2010, 14:18
what defines bad though? i only changed mine as it was knocking its tits off, and as said, new axle stopped this and was fine

23-04-2010, 14:36
schakal can you find me the part number for the bushes only please ???

23-04-2010, 16:28

this is for 9/11/19/21 4 bar rear axles though .

26-04-2010, 21:01
can anyone see if this code works on there system


27-04-2010, 12:15
7700801317 not a good number on the system :cry: :cry:

77 00 789 781 :~ Near Side bracket rear suspension £214:37 ~ available from France

77 00 789 782 :~ Off side bracket rear suspension ~~ not available !!!! :( :shock:

Rear beam complete £1095 :84 ~~ Back order from France :wink: :roll:

All plus vat
I hope this helps

05-12-2016, 22:32
Bump for this, given my other thread (http://williamsclio.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?45594-Rear-Beam-Bushes-R5-Williams-The-Same). Does/has anyone had a solution to this, who commented. I am assuming not, as Northy is still pining after Powerflex/another solution.
