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24-06-2009, 20:08
Just downloaded these from my phone!!
For those who dont know, following a bike accident at the beginning of April, shattered knee cap inc detached tendons, and wrist fractured in several places, nice bit of metalwork attached internally.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/7898/leg1.jpg (http://img208.imageshack.us/i/leg1.jpg/)

knee about 10days after operation, just before they removed the staples. Its VERY swollen.

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9506/06052009409.th.jpg (http://img208.imageshack.us/i/06052009409.jpg/)

Arm 5 weeks after op, just after they removed the cast.

24-06-2009, 20:15
:shock: well at least you got some epic scars from all the pain

24-06-2009, 20:40
Hope it's healing nicely craig!

24-06-2009, 20:44
Bloody hell glad your ok mate :shock:

24-06-2009, 21:31
Ouch!! that looks very painful :shock:

All the best in your recovery mate.

24-06-2009, 21:39
To be honest, the pain was ok. Adrenalin at the time helps, then copious ammounts of morphine and gas/air take the edge off!!

My arm ****ing wrecked, dont get me wrong, and when they manipulated it, it was sheer agony...BUT they give you so much drugs you dont give a shit----I was laughing and shouting lol

Now my knee just aches ALOT--but its bearable.

Time is the best healer as they say--so a few more months and it should all be settled.

24-06-2009, 21:44
why did not you show me these the other day ? :( :?

24-06-2009, 21:46
cos you were giving me (a) head :D

25-06-2009, 06:42
Crumbs laa I'm assuming this was a bike with an engine?!

25-06-2009, 06:46
Crumbs laa I'm assuming this was a bike with an engine?!

lol yeah, 250 husqvarna.

a beast by all accounts.

25-06-2009, 06:47
Shame, I'd have been more impressed if it was via a push bike :)

25-06-2009, 08:17
I'd have been more embarassed if it was on a push bike :lol:

25-06-2009, 09:32
Ill tell you the same as a told a good friend of mine who was in a medically induced coma after a serious bike smash, scars and pain are bearable compared to the ones your loved ones would have if you ended up dead

04-07-2009, 11:33
Eughhhh! Get well soon!