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View Full Version : accelerator cable

30-05-2009, 00:56
on the very end of my accelerator cable in the car the small white clip that goes through the pedal has snapped off leaving me with a floppy pedal. am i alone with this happening? not sure if there is some kind of way of fixing it or do i need a new cable? cheers 8)

30-05-2009, 07:51
Is quite a common problem.
It is possible to actually swap the clips over if you have a scrap cable.


30-05-2009, 17:29
ok ty mat, does it need to be a valver 1 or can i use any mk1 clio as a donor? cheers. thats for the clip not the whole cable.

30-05-2009, 20:55
The same thing has happened 2 me before, just got a replacement clip from an old cable. Or if you cant get hold of 1, the good old fashioned cable tie kept me out of trouble for a little while :D