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View Full Version : williams ecu or valver ecu

07-03-2009, 20:14
Hi can anyone help me i would like to no if a valver ecu will run on a williams 2. or if anyone no`s were i can get a williams 2 ecu

07-03-2009, 21:00
You can get valver ecu's chipped to run a 2 litre iirc

Failing that just get a williams ecu AFAIK willy 1,2 and 3's use the same ecu put a thread up in the wanted section a few people on here have got spares floating about :wink:

07-03-2009, 21:33
hi i have put up a wanted ive had no luck a valver ecu wouldnt work then

07-03-2009, 21:35
I think they do work but run like a sack of shite :?

07-03-2009, 23:42
lol better wait for a williams 1 then i think cheers

08-03-2009, 09:56
Hi chriso, i new aguy in Pershore who had a wad of r5s and his dad built gt40is is that you ?

09-03-2009, 18:36
Im pretty sure a valver and williams uncoded ecu are the same, As they certainly look identical internally, would just be the map on the eprom which would be different, in which case, a Valver ph1 ecu with a williams/gunner chip would suit!