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View Full Version : heater matrix

05-03-2009, 19:56
right, so i tackled the heater matrix today with the lord's guide, not a bad job at all to get out (with the guide :wink:) apart from a screwdriver incident:


(the pic doesn't do it justice :evil: )

then with the old one out and the new one unboxed i started prepping it to go into the car, but when i went to pop the new rubber seal on the new matrix, this happened:


the plastic backing thing snapped off (new one on the left, old on the right)

is it still ok to use? the pipes have a lip on them which stops the seal going over them, but should the rubber seal go past that lip, right up to the matrix?

this pic explains it better:


then which seal should i use on the bulkhead? the old (on the right) or the new (the left)? the new one is just a piece of sponge with some paper like stuff on it, doesn't seem like it'd seal very well? :?


cheers for the hep in advance ;)

05-03-2009, 23:37
use new seal mate and yes rubber seal needs to seat right down on the new matrix, just pop it over, it will go