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View Full Version : Gear Linkage / Reverse Gear Help

19-01-2009, 15:37
Its been along time since i posted in here!!

I cant get the hybrid to go in reverse! Its the most ultimate pain in the arse of all time!

Pretty much everything else is working but this... need help from anyone with ideas or a haynes manual to tell me what i need to do.

1,2,3,4,5 is fine and i did get reverse a few times but since re adjustment i cant get reverse... help!!

19-01-2009, 16:14
It's fiddly, but I think you will need to adjust the gear linkage under the rubber boot under the gearbox.

Probably only need to adjust it 0.5mm or less, anticlockwise if you are looking at the front of the car, or just try pot luck and see how many other gears you can lose like I did :roll:

19-01-2009, 21:28
as above, just loosen the adjustment retaining nut on the linkage, not under a boot, its just along from the connecting nut to the box, rotate the linkage end one 'click' if u get me either way, if its worse then go under again and rotate 2 clicks the other way, if thats better then 1 click increments till it works right. make sure you tighten up the bolt FULLY in between each test otherwise the linkage will slip and then u have to start all over which is a right ball ache

19-01-2009, 23:43
Sorry eya, its not actually under the boot, it's just before it, but I remember shifting my boot a bit to get a better grip for adjustment.

20-01-2009, 00:22
are the 'clicks' fairly noticeable?

20-01-2009, 01:21
yes, i find best way is to break of adjustment nut, then undo other nut and remove linkage from box, then fully loosen the adjustment nut. then twist the whole linkage till it locks against the underside of the car somewhere in direction ur gonna turn the adjustable end if u get me, that way dont have to hold it in place with arm strength. then use a pair of pliers to hold end that bolts to box and very gently turn it till it clicks

20-01-2009, 10:32
Im glad wc can help as usuall... 16valver are just posting the same thing worded differently 5 times as a reply which is no help!!

Coops i dont fully understand your locking off tecnique.

I drove it yesterday seems like 2nd and 4th are going in to gear fully without going back far enough in the H gate. Im going to shorten the linkage slightly and see if that will alow for that little extra i need to get it to click int reverse... im so bloody close its unreal!

20-01-2009, 12:05
when the linage is off the box end, just push it up onto chassis, so when u twist the adjustable end bit with the pliers the whole lot doesnt rotate. its just easier and more accurate then trying to counterhold it with your hand is all

get the angle on it right first before you start making it shorter or longer as if its out by a click or 2 it can feel and look like its too short or long but its not, its just the angles out. dont open up another can of worms :shock:

20-01-2009, 12:11
lol.. ok

i can feel revers but just cant get into it.... i will have a go like you say and see... bloody french cars!!

20-01-2009, 14:35
If it is near the right adjustment already I would not take it all off. You can do that and it will allow better fine tuning but you will have to keep putting it back together to restest it.

I got very good at adjusting it by tiny amounts with the clamp bolt loose and it all connected.

I would have to disagree with Mr Coops on adjusting the length after the angle. The length is easier to do, much easier, and doing it after the fine tuning can put you at square one as it messes it up again!

In your case you need to push the clevis or whatever its called further into the gear linkage, then adjust it so you can get reverse.

You'll get the hang of it!

20-01-2009, 14:43
yeah wobba that what i was thinking after not much luck yesterday.. will try at home when im there next :( ... i just need a mm or 2 in and it will go i think the rest of the gears feel fine

(did i say how rapid it was!)

im going to mark it some how so if it all goes tits up i can fixt it!

got a bigger problem to fix tho, after getting the exhaust refitted correctly it dumped a whole load of pas fluid all over quick fits floor :(

need to fix that.. im going to PTFE the thread on the pas pipe behind the rad, and get it a new o ring an see if that helps.. i dont want to tighten it up any more than it is.


20-01-2009, 17:58
Might sound like a daft thing - but have you had your dogbone mount off recently?

I replaced mine ages ago on the old hybrid. Put it all back together to find i couldn't get it into reverse. It was close but wouldn't quite get there - all other gears were perfect.

Had a look underneath to find that i'd put the bolts through the mounting back to front - thus it prevented the full movement of the gear linkage rod.

Failing that, as said above really - bit fiddly but trial and error and you'll get there!

20-01-2009, 20:31
each to his own wobba lad, i havent ever had the wrong length is all so never attempted to adjust it for that :D

21-01-2009, 01:14
Andy: Definitely mark the position before you start! You will be surprised at how little an adjustment it takes to really cock it up :lol: PAS leaks are the only kind of leaks I have no experience of, cant help there...

Alex makes a good point I forgot to mention. The reason I had gear linkage woes in the first place is due to the dogbone being so worn. I adjusted it so I could get gears with the worn mount, some weeks later replaced the dogbone and then couldn't get reverse again...had to readjust it all over again, but wasn't as tricky that time.

Coops: hehe, lucky you then! It's easier to sort the length part of it as you can see the marks usually so can reset it quite easily, but doing so often ruins the angle you so laboriously set prior to messing with it!

21-01-2009, 09:54
I'll install into my cars this afternoon various kind of small gearlinkages / quick shifts for checking their dimensions (designed by me, it's available in 2 lenghts). I've already assembled that elbow connection many times (for checking/testing/mounting my stiffener kit and ultra short gear linkage) without problems.
What kind of small gear linkage do You use? Stock or quick shift? Can You set reverse easily by moving with your hand the gear selector 'L' shaped arm? (before checking this, You should disconnect the elbow joint). Can You rotate easily the small gear linkage around its axis when the reverse is selected ? It's needed for shift reverse easily. If You can, check the follows: the 'vertical' distance between "L" shaped arm and gearbox 'bottom' when it's selected by 'hand' and when it's selected by gearstick (ask somebody to try shift reverse when You check this distance). If this distance is larger in 'gearstick selected position' then the problems may be: - the fork (the linkage under the rubber boot) is in a bad angle position, You should rotate it in anticlockwise direction (looking at the front of the car) - or the reverse lock sleeve at the gearstick bottom does not work properly, cannot unlock completely - or You use too long screw / too high nut to connect the small gear linkage with the fork and this reach the gearbox - or simply your dog mount is worn.
I'll make vids this afternoon. I hope it will help You.