View Full Version : Any resolutions then??

26-12-2008, 22:15
New year coming up and new promises u make and break(:wink:) .....lol

So whats urs?? :D

2 live
26-12-2008, 23:39
to cease the weed............and then stop smoking

27-12-2008, 00:37
Keep to speed limit, do not accelerate unnecessarily and slow down for corners.

27-12-2008, 08:07
To find myself a good woman or a turbo, can't afford both :oops: :cry:

27-12-2008, 08:09
Scrub that 1 :shock: Better idea: to stop being a soft git and get me some

BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSTTTTT!!!!!! :twisted: :rally: :gears: :toolbox: :twisted:

27-12-2008, 11:33
To work harder, and play harder ;)

27-12-2008, 16:17
get my clio finished and lose some fecking wieght :(

27-12-2008, 19:00
Qualify as a chartered accountant.

27-12-2008, 20:06
To find myself a good woman or a turbo, can't afford both :oops: :cry:

the first 1. . . . . :D

2 live
27-12-2008, 20:08
good luck .............they are hard to find lol.

jus got that 1 sorted b4 new year tho...so alls good ;)

27-12-2008, 20:13
[quote="2 live"]good luck .............they are hard to find lol.

yeah no shit. . . . . . . I'm to fussy, thats my trouble.....and you no what they say about a man who's fussy. . . . .he gets no.....it rhymes with fussy :P

27-12-2008, 20:14

2 live
27-12-2008, 23:21
pussy lol

27-12-2008, 23:36
[quote=2 live]good luck .............they are hard to find lol.

yeah no s**t. . . . . . . I'm to fussy, thats my trouble.....and you no what they say about a man who's fussy. . . . .he gets no.....it rhymes with fussy :P

I stopped being fussy ages ago :? & look where it's got me :shock: :lol: .......

.....shopping for turbo's :twisted: :lol:

28-12-2008, 12:30
to give up smoking hopefully, hasnt worked in all previous years though :(

2 live
28-12-2008, 12:41
[quote=2 live]good luck .............they are hard to find lol.

yeah no s**t. . . . . . . I'm to fussy, thats my trouble.....and you no what they say about a man who's fussy. . . . .he gets no.....it rhymes with fussy :P

I stopped being fussy ages ago :? & look where it's got me :shock: :lol: .......

.....shopping for turbo's :twisted: :lol:

cheaper, less hassle, and u dont mind listenin to it go on......and on.......and on

looks like u picked the right option mate lol

28-12-2008, 14:24
:D :D :D

Never thought of that excuse :lol: I'll use it for my ongoing argument with my m8's mrs :twisted:

28-12-2008, 18:10
pmsl...... :D

28-12-2008, 18:23
to demand more bum sex off my missus - once a week doesn't cut it :lol:

28-12-2008, 18:25
to demand more bum sex off my missus - once a week doesn't cut it :lol:


Looking forward to your 2nd Jan "I'm shopping for a turbo as well" thread :lol:

2 live
28-12-2008, 20:18

be too hung over all day the 1st to post then??

28-12-2008, 20:31

be too hung over all day the 1st to post then??

not quite :lol: I'm going on the assumption he'll be damanding it sometime in the evening on the 1st get nowhere and then be posting at midnight :roll: :lol:

29-12-2008, 00:35
I'll be forcing Taboo down her neck while spitting on the old chap :lol:

29-12-2008, 09:08
to give up smoking hopefully, hasnt worked in all previous years though :(

smoking is good .
if you really must quit ,i highly suggest the nicotine patches 8)

29-12-2008, 09:23
smoking is good if you want to die from bum aids*

*not scientifically proven

29-12-2008, 09:39
smoking is good if you want to die from bum aids*

*not scientifically proven

you are on about meat cigars , go easy on them :P

29-12-2008, 09:41

2 live
29-12-2008, 11:43

im gettin old now. might go for a pipe only diet of smoking.....might help me kick the dreaded baccy ;)

29-12-2008, 12:27
to find me another fast car (impreza has gone)

and join the gym again

29-12-2008, 14:41
Burn some bodyfat make some money.

29-12-2008, 15:25
pay off 99% of my debts left from uni, get back into the gym and put a bit of meat on my bones!!!

29-12-2008, 18:16
pay off 99% of my debts left from uni, get back into the gym and put a bit of meat on my bones!!!, and buy a decent car!


29-12-2008, 18:18
pay off 99% of my debts left from uni, get back into the gym and put a bit of meat on my bones!!!, and buy a decent car!
