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View Full Version : looking for alarm key...

22-10-2008, 12:56
having had the problem of not getting an alarm key when i purchased my williams, i was most annoyed, when at 4am, or when changing the battery, or disconnecting - the siren would go off, and i was unable to do anything. i went to mat brown to try a key he had to no avail. i then decided to purchase an alarm box +key off a member from here. i would first test the key (just in case) off my own alarm box, then if this didnt work (and it didnt) I would swap the boxes, or the barrel, or the internals over.
Seeing how much of a ballache this might be i thought, ahhh ill deal with it later, instead i decided to clean out the odds n ends draw my old dear has been harrassing me to sort for months. loooooads of old keys in there, old neighbours front door keys, old suitcase keys or whathave you. tidied it up nice and neat, and to clear all the dust and bits out of the bottom, i got the drawer and tipped it upside down, and i saw this key drop out. i sorted through the bin and found a cobra alarm key. hmm i thought, what if? i nipped outside quickly, and coincidentally, it fits perfectly to my std alarm box, and my problem is solved.
Turns out it must have been from my brothers car which he had 14 years ago. Funny old world innit?

22-10-2008, 13:08

That's a stroke of luck :D

22-10-2008, 18:23
u lucky bar steward :lol:

22-10-2008, 19:56