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View Full Version : What speeds does everyone normally do?

20-02-2005, 19:32
When not hammering it or going for a bit of a blast, what types of speeds does everyone normally do, say in a

30 -
40 -
50 -
60 -
70 -

The reason being is that i normally toootal along at just over the limit when just driving around and not in a rush, however I saw a valver on the M6 tonight in the fast lane, then i tried to catch him see what it was like and i got behind another car following him doing about 11*, for a fair while, so i decided to cool it, but does anyone else drive on the motorways at these speeds normally?

20-02-2005, 20:35
I don't break the speed limit. Usually 70 ish on the motorway...unless I'm in convoy with you lot! :lol:

20-02-2005, 20:40
I drive at the limit or just over depending on conditions.

big hp
20-02-2005, 21:56
+10mph on the speed limit. Which is generally just keeping up with traffic.

20-02-2005, 23:04
yer so really none of us would be flying along at 100mph on motorway just normally driving unless like martin said in special circumstances!!!lol

21-02-2005, 00:17
i always drive to the national limits in urban areas... un urban i dont give a toss.

2 live
21-02-2005, 11:12
i always drive on the limit....or shud that be limiter......lol

21-02-2005, 11:32
knew you'd come and post sooner or later jon...i don't think you count in this discussion...there is no limits around your end!

21-02-2005, 13:43
Ive been speeding everywhere, now im back on the road.........need to chill out!!!!! Still don't speed in 30's, unless it past midnight

21-02-2005, 14:25
Whats all this 'oo its wrong to speed in 30's' bullshit.

This has come from Cliosport. I speed in 30's. Im not a dangerous driver. But 99% of drivers do at least 40 in 30 limits.

School children. ****em. Children grow up to be ass holes like 99% of all the poulation. Killing a few of them early saves alot of hassle later. The road is for cars not kids. TBH if i hit one doing 30 or 60 they are going to be dead anyway. Just a twat that my Williams would get damaged by thier hard skull in the process.

When i was a kid i didnt run out into roads as i had comon sense. If i had of done i could have expected everything i got. It about time people stopped sticking up for stupid poeple and realised roads are for cars.

21-02-2005, 17:08
bit harsh but ****in funny lol

22-02-2005, 01:56
never speed in 30, 40, 50 zones.... on the motorway/carriage way, diff matter :)

22-02-2005, 08:27
I personally plod around at legal speed limits unless bored, we dont have to tear around coz we all know if we need it we got it unlike some of the other unmentionable noisy backbox boys out there, a friend had a 340bhp wrx and he was the same let the lil boys sit on yer tail making all the noise if we get bored leave em standing, if not just sit there which prob will windem up even more.