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26-06-2005, 17:08
pulled out of the bp garage this mornin, and as i was pulling out in first my car started to shake really bad, so stuck ma clutch in to stick it in second and was like i hadnt put the cluch in at all, so i treid third and it just crunched, 4th n 5th were fine, but now i have to cut the engine and stick it in first to get goin.
wen i got home, had a look at the clutch cable and thats fine, n me old man had a look at the pedal and he recons the teeth on the rachet have worn themselfs pretty bad, but i think its more than that!!!
any body else had this problem, personally i think the clutch plate or the gear box is dead!!!!!
so very very :cry:

26-06-2005, 17:55
Unlucky mate, I would offer my expertise but well, ah ho hum I haven't got any!

Looks like you'll be borrowing Los' car for a while then?!

26-06-2005, 18:00
as above.... :(

26-06-2005, 18:10
PM richy, he's had a gearbox failure in the last couple of months and he is also a renault tech, sure he will help

26-06-2005, 18:23
if its selecting 4th and 5th ok with engine running but crunching in 1st 2nd etc then the synchro mesh's might be knackered, but its pos its just your clutch pressure plate thats failing to, does it defiantly crunch in just 1st,2nd and 3rd ?

had mine get harder and harder to select gears, my friction disc fell apart and then diff blew up lol

pain in arse french cars!

hope u sort it either way

26-06-2005, 20:39
thanks for the help guys, yeah i think ill be borrowin julies 1.0ltr polo, which i suppose is a good thing coz wen i get bak in mine WHEN its fixed my car should feel pretty rapid lol!
rich ive just had a look at the pedal mate and by the looks of things the teeth on the ratchet have worn really bad would that make any difference, i dont think it will coz the clutch its self is still pretty tight but its worth askin,
well to be honest it sometimes struggle to get into forth n fifth but not as bad as the other gears, its weird, goes perfect into first wen engines off, then u pull the gear out of first with the clutch in and it feels like u dont have the clutch in at all, then it hardily goes into third at all, but forth and fifth r ok!!!

26-06-2005, 21:13
yeah the clutch pedal wont help if the teeth are worn, for moneys sake u could try that first! but it maybe the pressure plate failing if u can get gears when the engines off but stuggle to get in/out of gears once running etc

26-06-2005, 21:43
ok mate ill give it a go, how much are the pressure plates to but, i knhow there probably not that much and its the fitting thats gonna cost!
if it is the pressure plate will i need to take out the gear box, sorry i know the basics of cars but dont know the technical stuff, where is the pressure plate and what does it do?

26-06-2005, 21:49
a clutch kit will cost anywere from £40 upwards depending what u go for in the end, basicly the pressure plate is the part were the release bearing press's against to release the clutch, (release bearing is attached to the fork with cable hooks onto btw) as u said the main cost are removal of the box, it is pos to remove the box without taking the subframe off just abit tight!

26-06-2005, 21:50
btw clutch kit consists of friction disc, the pressure plate and release bearing, best changing the whole kit as one

26-06-2005, 21:53
ok mate so it will definatly need to be on ramps!
is it worth buyin a whole new clutch while the box is out? i have a friend who would lend me his garage for the day if i need it so is it a hard job or can it be done by myself?
theres a pedal with a rachet and whole clutch cable on ebay mite get that n give it a go!!
are the pedals hard to fit, sorry bout askin so many questions i usuallt teach maself but like to have a little advice on where to start!

26-06-2005, 21:59
depends how good u are when it comes to doing stuff on cars mate, if ur not just get someone who knows to help u to, yes get a full clutch kit no point chanign just one bit for all the hassle it is to do it!!

as for the clutch pedal fairly easy, the bar that holds the pedals in has 2 circlips on it iirc, u can remove them and slide the bar to the side obviously undo the cable, and remove the pedal, theres 2 plastic colars which the bar slides into on the pedal, these can be a little awkward sometimes but in general there fairly easy to do

26-06-2005, 22:03
ok then mate ill get another pedal n give it a crack, im really hopin itll work!
if not its down to the bank AGAIN for another hefty overdraft lol
god i miss my car already its killin me, ive even had to pull out of pod coz i wont be able to get ma car ready in time!!! :(

26-06-2005, 22:05
tell em about it! not long since i had a new clutch, just fitted a brand new gearbox as that blew up, new clutch pedal to fit yet , new tie rods and track rods and abll joints , aswell as 4pots/bucket seats and springs! :)

money money money (all gone lol) :lol:

26-06-2005, 22:07
well wat u wastin ur time on here for lol get ur ass into gear n start workin hehehe
gutted bout pod never bin before n its only up the road, oh well ill have to go to the next meet round here!
Thought bout it today if i didnt have a car id be ****in minted :wink:

26-06-2005, 22:09
all thats left is to fit pedal and when springs arrive fit them, rest is done and running

right laugh to drive now :)

26-06-2005, 22:31
richo sorry forgot to mention mate, i bought the car off ma girlfriends brother bout 4 weeks ago, n lookin through ma history i have found that it has already had a newish gear box (recon) and a clutch kit lol, dunno whether that has any relivence?
so seriously thinkin now wether its the pedal or not
but i dont see how that would make the car vibrate the way it does!

27-06-2005, 04:14
Any of that g'box/clutch work that Los' bro had done still under warranty or anything Dan?

Shame you may not have it ready for Pod, but remember, you still have a good half a month!... (Althou do you have to break in clutch's gently or anything? In which case running it up the strip with new clutch bits may not be the best idea!)

27-06-2005, 08:23
sorry to hear about this mate....get it sorted asap and test it out on the french car weekend at the pod. :wink:

27-06-2005, 15:57
to be honest steve i dont really know much about it i need to ring oli really and have a chat!
thats a point do u have to wear em in gently, was thinkin bout gettin a better 1, is it worth it?
i really really wanna go pod but i really dont think ill be makin it this time!
hey steve lauren mite sell her car n get a 172, shes seriously thinkin bout it so if your bird wants her zetec s she can buy it, or you can buy it for her :wink:

28-06-2005, 16:13
ok things have got very much worse for my car, tried to get it from my dads house to my girlfriends where i live and i was about a minute away from the car park and my car gave way bigtime, tried to change from first to second and it sounded like a dump valve went off or a metal cog spinning rapidly inside the gear box, the engine cut out, all the power steering and the brakes didnt work and it wont start, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO my cars nakered lol!!!
need to buy a £50 shiter to get me round till i can save up the £200,000,000 that i will need to fix it lol
oh well shit happens :?

28-06-2005, 16:16
Nah my bird can't afford a Zetec-S, she always goes on about buying a car but she never will.

Thats shit about your car mate, keep me updated.

You could buy a Mark 1 Gold GTi/Pug 205 GTi just to get you about but still have some happy speed?!