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View Full Version : After market alam systems

Mark One
01-10-2008, 15:38
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section :oops:

My adrain Flux insurance quote on my valver requires that I fit an alarm and immobiliser (presumably as I will be running Emerald management so it wont have the standard immobiliser).

I hate the things. I can just see it now, going off at all hours of the night.
So I was wondering if anyone knew which are good/bad?

Been advised that the clifford Thatcham CAT1 £300 alarm is the one to go for? They include fitting in that price which seems pretty good.


01-10-2008, 15:52
Toad 303i(???) has got some good reviews on here somewhere I think :)

Don't get it fitted from the people that Adrian F(l)ux recommend though - they **** up your electrics then charge you to fix it... :roll:

There's a guy on ebay who does that Toad one for a couple of hundred quid - have a search!

01-10-2008, 19:15
toad alarm man has given up.

there are plenty of others on ebay who do it.

highly recommend the toad.

Mark One
02-10-2008, 18:37
cheers guys, I'll look into the toad