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12-07-2008, 21:02
after a nice drive down the a6 to get to "black circles" tyre fitter for 8.30 - my day was eventful.

managed to snap clutch cable at 9.15 right outside victoria hospital. all double yellows, on a downhill slope with traffic lights and nowhere to dump the car.

my mate managed to pick us up and whizz over to his mums for a tow rope.

got back, £70 fine for parking illegally. even though i wasnt on double yellow, we had managed to push it onto a section of tarmac next to the path. labled up with "clutch cable snapped - gone to get a tow rope" - with the date and time stamped on it. (evil traffic warden must have been waiting out of sight as i was only gone 15 minutes).

managed to tow the car 80 yards away from the nearest garage (rope snapped) then a kind bloke helped push the car to resting point outside the garage.

turns out i need a new clutch pedal, and its a renault only part. and its not in stock. and i was due to goto the lakes on thursday evening.

still. the cold air on thursday morning had put a huge smile on my face before the day turned shit. and its just another one of those days with the clio.


12-07-2008, 21:54
Unlucky there dude!!

You not fancy driving it with a snapped clutch? Gets you out the shit

I always carry a cable in me boot now, Ive had many go on me as you all know, such a relief when it does and you have a spare! :P

13-07-2008, 10:48
Thats Really Shit, I hate Traffic Wardens with a passion, they tried to do me but the part i was parked on was a little worn away... so i made sure he couldnt give me one.. whilst giving him a little of abuse :D

13-07-2008, 12:58
Think i'd have just driven it without the clutch, start it up in 1st etc

13-07-2008, 13:05
Sorry to hear mate!

Sounds like another normal day, lol.

13-07-2008, 14:30
Think i'd have just driven it without the clutch, start it up in 1st etc
Same here ive drove my pug 205 "veg oil burner" for a couple of months with no clutch cable. Once you get the hang of it, its fairly easy to do. :)

13-07-2008, 19:51
^^ maybe a few months is a bit much lol
but it would be getting me home with clutch or no clutch :lol:

13-07-2008, 21:13
how do you manage to drive it with no clutch cable, for months !

13-07-2008, 22:10
Christ! A few months!

Its bloody dangerous when you do drive it with no clutch, well i think it is! Engine braking and all that! A lot of fun when you have to try and slow down! lol! And every light is always on red, plus you look a complete twat when setting off from stationary! Like them learners, kangarooing!


13-07-2008, 23:33
got back, £70 fine for parking illegally. even though i wasnt on double yellow,

Apeal appeal appeal. Always appeal, one day they will learn drivers are sick of taking up the bum from these assholes.

Just say what you told us.