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16-05-2008, 12:25
Just had an email telling me to buy my petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc.

and to boycott BP and Esso as these 2 companys made the biggest profits last year, so if enough people can avoid buying petrol from these then they will be forced to lower there prices and others will follow suit.

So if everyone can copy and paste this into other local forums they use then that would be excellent :lol:

oh buy the way its been forecast that by the end of this year fuel will be at £1.50 per litre

16-05-2008, 12:34

Another fuel boycott email... you're writting to the wrong people mate. The Government should be your target as they're applying the tax not the fuel company.

16-05-2008, 17:44
price of fuel is disgusting! over 3/4's of the price of fuel goes on duty to the government. anyone got any details of what other countries pay????

16-05-2008, 18:02
its getting beyond the joke
i put 113 £ in the truck this week and got 95 litres :shock:
im using a bike while my car is off the road ( hoping to be mot'd by around wed) but i think i will just carry on using it
4.30am on a bike in the summer is not so bad lol

16-05-2008, 19:35
Costs me £70 to fill up, and do that once a week atleast in the Laguna

17-05-2008, 00:34
Im quite layed back but tbh its getting to the point where its starting to get to me. Its just hit 1.10 a litre where i am. I know thats not the highest but its getting a joke when you get 50 miles to 10 quid. Im considering getting a motorbike as you only pay 65 quid tax and they are more efficient. Also, with all the bloody traffic these days it would be better. :)

Tbh something needs to be done. Other countries wouldnt stand for it but the brits are know for being the most tolerant when it comes down to waiting in traffic or being put on hold ect.. So they know we wont do anything about fuel going up, we will just accept it and get on with life. As we are doing. We just bitch about it in the forums instead.

20-05-2008, 08:16
£1.10? Is that it? lol

Diesel round here is 125.9 at some places, and Super is about 118.9 now, even at Sainsburys... :?

20-05-2008, 08:23
Problem with this bloody gunner ecu, expensive stuff only! £1.16 odd a litre, now like other while its crept up it hasn't really bothered me but with it hitting such a high figure recently I now have to make twice as many trips to the garage as I used to - funny that I don't earn any more to cover this eh? :roll:

20-05-2008, 08:28
Same as mate, same as... :roll: :? :(

21-05-2008, 09:36
Problem with this bloody gunner ecu, expensive stuff only! £1.16 odd a litre, now like other while its crept up it hasn't really bothered me but with it hitting such a high figure recently I now have to make twice as many trips to the garage as I used to - funny that I don't earn any more to cover this eh? :roll:

Count yourself lucky, £1.33 a litre here for V-Power

21-05-2008, 21:44
absolute fortune, this country takes the piss with everything...

£1.10 average now for unleaded round barnsley...

21-05-2008, 22:34
Hybrid will be laid up if this continues, will convert it to run on hydrogen ;)

Going to get another motorbike soon, cant afford Vpower have put £20 in this week and have made it last


22-05-2008, 02:18
I am modding my Williams to run on ethanol which I will farm for around 10p/litre, well I would if I could be arsed... seriously though tanks of ethanol could be had for 40p/litre if you buy from suppliers, think you have to buy quite a bit though :)

Lots of guides etc on the net about how to do it, and it wouldn't be that hard as 4 stroke engines can be converted quite easily, infact I think there is some regulation that specifies cars built since 1991 (or 93) had to be made compatible with alcohol fuels (something to do with the rubber not perishing).

MPG and power is similar with 180-200 proof fuel. Only downside is you would need to run an extra tank so you don't get caught short. Also cold starting on alcohol can be problematic. These issues could be solved by running the reserve tank as normal petrol and the main tank as alcohol.

Also if you wanted best performance out of ethanol you'd need to run a different map/timing for it iirc.

Was a while ago I read up about it, and tbh I only do about 1k miles per year on my car, so not really worth it for me.

22-05-2008, 09:09
Yeah but its like people converting to auto gas, how long will it before the goverment sees people are using it more and starts piling the taxes on that, we're all in a no win situation here, and no amounts of demos will help, its only when haulage companies start going outa business etc that maybe something will be done, the thing is the goverment waves the old enviromental card around and all is well :evil: :x

22-05-2008, 12:58
You can make ethanol yourself, can't tax that :wink:

22-05-2008, 13:00
Same as red diesel tho mate, still get ****ed over for not paying duty on fuel....can get your car crushed for running cherry in it

22-05-2008, 13:12
I get the train to work in the week, £6 a day for a 20 min journey!! Even public transport takes the p*ss now!

22-05-2008, 13:20
I know last time i used public transport it took me 3 hours instead of 20 mins in the car and cost me 2-3 times what it would ahve cost me in diesel

22-05-2008, 13:53
Same as red diesel tho mate, still get f**ked over for not paying duty on fuel....can get your car crushed for running cherry in it

May be the case with red diesel but I don't think it is with ethanol.

22-05-2008, 13:58
oh you can get a 20quid tax rebate as well :D

22-05-2008, 14:04
What a whole £20 each year!!

22-05-2008, 14:09
yeah lol :D but seriously though if you make the fuel yourself, i can't see how you would pay duty on it.

22-05-2008, 14:10
As you said if its different for that then maybe, but its the same with chip fat, its not illegial to use it, IF you pay road fuel duty on it


22-05-2008, 14:30
Just been reading that site, cheers... from what i can tell you only need to inform the HMRC/pay duty if you produce more than 2500 litres per year. Thats ~50litres per week, so a full tank for us.

22-05-2008, 16:01
yeah 2500l's...IF you get caught.

even cherry is 76p/l now! thats the price diesel was a little over a year ago!

Its shocking..
Its not just us and our cars that are getting hit...it affects everything.
Hauliers have to put their rates up, so parts go up, food goes up etc etc..its a knock on affect on everything which needs national distribution.

I cant see an end to it tbh. we were quibling about 90p/l 1 year ago...look where we are now.

22-05-2008, 16:08
When i used to use cheerry is was free ;)

22-05-2008, 16:33
was £1.25 for v-power last time i was down there, £1.14 for normal pap

as craig said it has a knock on effect and slowly things like this will cripple this country!

22-05-2008, 16:41
My fuel bill is up over £150 a week now. And as cabs don't cost any more and its getting warmer, work is sluggish.

Its ****ing crap.

22-05-2008, 20:45
I think the only solution is for the government to reduce duty - which is inevitably what they will have to do. If the economy begins to suffer then I think they will. Until a recession or market crash takes place I dont think they will.

22-05-2008, 20:55
I don't think they will, they've got the olympics to pay for, plus all the other shit they need to pay for, they tryed increasing income tax and got shot down, they need to find the extra money from somewhere, and unfortunatly, as has always happened, the motorists are seen as a cash cow. At the end of the day i'm not gonna stop driving, even if diesel hits £2 ltr, can't, need to drive for my job, likewise with 90% of other people

22-05-2008, 21:13
Just have to cut back on other 'luxuries'!

I can see a lot of service sector jobs being lost, in bars and restaurants and similar, if things don't come down soon - people just don't have the cash to spend!

22-05-2008, 21:50
Makes me laugh when it was going up to £1 there was an uproar, tankers stopped working petrol was like rocking horse shit.

now its like well it goes up accept it, this country sucks arse £75 to fill up the van 1.9 TD takes the piss. :twisted:

23-05-2008, 08:23
I don't think they will, they've got the olympics to pay for, plus all the other s**t they need to pay for, they tryed increasing income tax and got shot down, they need to find the extra money from somewhere, and unfortunatly, as has always happened, the motorists are seen as a cash cow. At the end of the day i'm not gonna stop driving, even if diesel hits £2 ltr, can't, need to drive for my job, likewise with 90% of other people


they wont drop it, they have motorists over a barrel (no pun intended)...its an easy earner for them. Infact I think fuel duty will be one of the last to be dropped.