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View Full Version : gearbox probs...suprise suprise!

18-06-2005, 13:45
Just wondering if anyone has ever had this problem before.

Using the valver, all is fine- used it at dinner yesterday at work, no probs. Then come to go home. Reverse out of parking space fine, into 1st then 2nd then try and get into 3rd and it just will not go. Into 4th fine and then 5th won't work either. So therefore I think oh great i've well and truly buggered up the gearbox. Pull over, didn't want to drive it and keep killing it but has anyone ever had problems like this before. Never gave any indication it was going to do it, it never crunched going into gears, it never pops out of gear or anything like that. Still have reverse, 1st, 2nd and 4th but will not go into 3rd or 5th, but i don't no whether the box is knackered :( or whether it could be a simpler problem like a bush or linkage etc?

Anyone had similar problems or no what the symptoms sound like? Or should i get ready for a massive bank loan, cos i reckon thats the way its heading!!! :cry:

18-06-2005, 15:16
Could just be a selector problem.


18-06-2005, 15:27
im really hoping lol

19-06-2005, 01:22
renault supply a bish kit for £13 well worth it,,, if problem remains after fitment, consider a divorce from your gearbox