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View Full Version : Nicest willy 2 I've seen - I want!

02-05-2008, 08:38
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RENAULT-CLIO-2-0-WILLIAMS-2-16v-HATCHBACK-3DR_W0QQitemZ230248732455QQihZ013QQcategoryZ9861QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

02-05-2008, 08:47
I saw that on the bay thought it looked great.

I just think some people talk total telephone numbers when it comes to pricing these williams up.

Thats only IMO though.

02-05-2008, 09:20
bit steep for a Willy 2 - especially when that Willy 1 with 33k in now on ebay for less than £4k

02-05-2008, 10:48
Aye, it's steep, but check it out. That's a minter.

02-05-2008, 10:51
no renault elf sticker in the back eh northy? ;) seems a bit pricey to me.... whats that thing connected to the boot?

02-05-2008, 10:55
Thats not far from me!! I think thats a bit steep too...i'd rather spend that kinda money on the Willy 1 too.

02-05-2008, 11:11
yep a williams is a williams, but id rahter have a latter model as a 3, getting one of the rarest and last - or a original 1 :)

02-05-2008, 12:07
Very nice indeed!

Wonder if he will swap for a 172 Cup :)

02-05-2008, 12:33
.... whats that thing connected to the boot?

Original parcel shelves had a suit carrier built into them, thats what it is.

02-05-2008, 12:57
Just seen that today, definately looks mint.

02-05-2008, 13:00
It is a nice example, he will struggle to sell at that price tho

02-05-2008, 13:26
Well your all cheapos! its worth what someone would pay for it and I'd pay that no problem - well I'd offer him £5k anyway! - infact I'd have that over that willy 1.

after all...."I love the willy 2" \:D/

Bah I hate looking at mine after looking at that :evil:

02-05-2008, 17:34
Well your all cheapos! its worth what someone would pay for it and I'd pay that no problem - well I'd offer him £5k anyway! - infact I'd have that over that willy 1.

after all...."I love the willy 2" \:D/

Bah I hate looking at mine after looking at that :evil:

lol, so do i.

02-05-2008, 19:09
.... whats that thing connected to the boot?

Original parcel shelves had a suit carrier built into them, thats what it is.

No, not that - the thing next to the wrench?

02-05-2008, 19:33
hmmm think its a fake there aint no genuine rot that comes as standard or is that a feature only supplyed with the willy 1 :D

But yeah its lovely and im jealous :D

02-05-2008, 20:47
very nice, but theres no chance he's gonna anywhere near that price!

02-05-2008, 21:25
.... whats that thing connected to the boot?

Original parcel shelves had a suit carrier built into them, thats what it is.

No, not that - the thing next to the wrench?

Hmm, not sure. It's strapped down, with what appear to be a blue Durex wrapper next to it. Maybe it's an electric pump for a blow up sex doll?

02-05-2008, 23:05
yep, that the hell is it?

02-05-2008, 23:06
very nice, but theres no chance he's gonna anywhere near that price!


I'm currently looking at ways to finance it - its not looking good but I'm having a go.

I'd rather have that over that low mileage willy 1 - I just love 2's!

03-05-2008, 03:09
Still HX'd up

03-05-2008, 11:03
i dunno if everyone who was selling a clio williams put the price upto 4 or 5k, then that would become the market price :D

i.e if you were rich you could buy them all up as they come along and then put them all back at 1/2 the price :D

After a while poeple begin to think that is the normal price and start paying that :D

so a williams is worth what ever a person is willing to pay or usualy what others are selling for + more for condition :D

03-05-2008, 13:35
Someone would think your mad paying 3 grand for a williams though, just as they'd think someone else was mad for paying 7 grand for a 20 year old mk1 golf etc etc etc...

Many would laugh at paying 26k for a mid engined clio but it really is true people will pay what they think something is worth - if they didn't ebay would never have existed :shock: :?

03-05-2008, 16:45
It probably is worth what he's asking, but he will struggle to sell, the market is on it's arse at the moment and with a recession looming and the price of petrol, tax etc going up all the time old cars are selling for peanuts.....altho the odd enthusiast from here may pay that... :wink:

06-05-2008, 11:28
I paid 4k for mine with 77k on it & most of you said I was mental at the time but he was tidy, local & had good history all way thru & better than a lot of sheds I had travelled over the country to see. Personal choice at end of the day.

06-05-2008, 13:23
.... whats that thing connected to the boot?

Original parcel shelves had a suit carrier built into them, thats what it is.

No, not that - the thing next to the wrench?

Hmm, not sure. It's strapped down, with what appear to be a blue Durex wrapper next to it. Maybe it's an electric pump for a blow up sex doll?

i emailed him. apparently its a 'it's a renault emergency pack of bulbs + fuses etc strapped to the wheel brace, which came with the car from new.'

22-08-2008, 13:02
Now sold! :shock:

Wonder who bought it.

22-08-2008, 14:38
here is a hint


22-08-2008, 17:40
ahh, missed that one fella!

lucky bas*ard! :lol:

22-08-2008, 19:51
Great, now it's in the Club! :colours: