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View Full Version : Williams 3 Leaky Sunroof

10-03-2008, 23:10
My williams 3 started to give me a trickly shower in this heavy rain, the leak came through the electric sunroof switch.

What could be the cause of this before I start my investigation? Any common things to look for? Blocked drainage holes (if any!) etc?


10-03-2008, 23:27
Nope as far as im aware non of the phase 1.5 and phase 2 clios had any drain holes, none of mine have anyway, there pigs to seal, ive had 2 roofs in mine now and it still leaks, to the point theres no headlining in it at the moment, take the whole thing out, silicone around the outer seal (sunroof to roof) and then the inner seal that sits up to the glass may benefit from being taken out, it'll just pull out, give it a clean around that area and wash the seal in soapy water to give it that Flexiness back, failing that a new seal may be the only option


10-03-2008, 23:27
Do a search on the forum - many many many many x1892372877 topics on this..

10-03-2008, 23:32