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View Full Version : Roof strips ?

13-06-2005, 09:57
The plastic strips that go along the top of the car , 1 passenger side and 1 driver side . Mine are working loose and dont sit tight , looks like a couple of the clips are knackered. Apart from looking an eye sore im worried about rain sitting in there and turning into a hidden rust haven which will eat my car inside out ! anyone know how much these things are ?


13-06-2005, 10:00
Askk edde, he bought some new clips i think i remeber him saying.

They pull off and clip back in. Matt Brown is an expert with these things apparently. The trick i think he saod was to attatch the clips to the plastic when you reatatch them, not try to push them onto the clips already on the car.

13-06-2005, 10:15
sounds about right mate , i tried pushing them back in while on the car and it dont want to know . might rip them off and have a go , if i bugger them up im sure they cant be too much from dealer ?

13-06-2005, 10:43
Matt deffo said clip them to the strip , then push them back onto the car.

13-06-2005, 17:41

When you remove the strips the clips will be left attached to them, these need taking off the strips and attaching to the roof and then the strips can be clipped into place properly.

Just be careful you dont bend the strips.


13-06-2005, 17:42

13-06-2005, 18:20
A warning to anyone who even thinks of removing them to clean the car

DON'T do it you'll regret it.

I never bought any new ones in the end I superglues the broken tabs back to gether

13-06-2005, 18:54
Easy to take on and off when you know how.
