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View Full Version : sump nut

bobby orange
04-02-2008, 21:11
Hi can anyone tell me the reason why my sump nut has been moved to the side and would a renault 5 turbo sump nut fit a willians sump.
thanks darren

04-02-2008, 21:27
if you mean to the side of the sump instead of the bottom there all like that..

why would you want to fit a renault 5 one.

if its rounded halfords sell new ones with magnets for 3.50 i think including washers...

bobby orange
05-02-2008, 20:57
it looks like they have used that quick metal stuff to fill the hole its really weird
maybe there was just a dent or a leak, best bet is to get a new one i thought maybe the sump nut 5 gt will fit as iv got four off them

any one know how much a new sump is

thanks darren

05-02-2008, 21:35
new i think there around 190 quid mark...p.m. mat brown or winston for secondhand spares mate