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View Full Version : Please help me deal with an Ebay fraudster!!

12-01-2008, 22:39
I'm currently ebaying a T25 turbocharger:

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Garrett-T25-turbocharger-turbo_W0QQitemZ130188020740QQihZ003QQcategoryZ1040 2QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Some cheeky cunt has copied my auction WORD-FOR-WORD! To make things worse he has hinted that I am trying to sell an old turbo as newer!!AND the turbo he is selling isn't even a T25!!! :evil: :evil:

This is the cunt's auction ( username "drabux").As you can see it's exactly the same!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Garrett-T25-turbocharger-turbo_W0QQitemZ170184355257QQihZ007QQcategoryZ7220 5QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

I need as many people as possible to go to the bottom of his page and click "Report this item", then fill out a report for a fraudulent item, or whatever.

Please don't mix the auctions up! His name is Drabux
Also, please DON'T contact him or he will revise his item before Ebay get a chance to deal with him.

Hopefully if there are enough reports his item will be removed

Thanks all. Much apprecitated. :)

13-01-2008, 01:40
tbh i don't see the problem ?
totally different add
so he has used a few of your words ? whats the prob

13-01-2008, 01:41
sorry man, not got a leg to stand on with that, hes not insinuating anything about your advert, he doesnt mention your item specifically.

also you have no proof that the wording isnt just a template you have both used

chill and let it be!

13-01-2008, 01:50
Nah, read it properly. It's word-for-word with the word Nissan changed for Saab. Even with the same title. Only thing is the feckless twat is selling T3 and doesn't realise

It's against Ebay rules to copy and paste other users text.

What really pissed me off is that I cleaned mine to make it look newer.

13-01-2008, 02:13
not to be nasty or owt to u matey, i see ur point, but i also think your over reacting.... even if it is againt the T&C of EBAY, ppl will still do it.

Its just ppl for you the way i see it is, as long as you sell it for the asking price or more. i can't see the BIG ISSUSE. if u get me...

13-01-2008, 12:28
It has been removed now.


13-01-2008, 23:13
Yeah, you lot were probably right. But I'm sure you can understand why I was pissed. that could have cost me alot of money.

Anyway as Matt said, it's been removed now.